Plants for shade gardens

Powell, TN

I took this picture yesterday of part of my shade garden. The larger plant is lenton rose which started blooming in late Dec. with pink blooms. The plant with the little pink-red blooms with the fern-e foliage is King of Hearts. It is related to the Bleeding Heart Family. This plant blooms all summer untill frost. I just added 4 more of the same plant. One is 3yrs. old and is about 3ft. in width. They are great in the borders or any where to give color.I will post another close up of the King of Hearts. One of my favorite shade plants.

Thumbnail by Beebalm
Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Beebalm, that is GORGEOUS - what an inspiration for those of us who just purchased some small hellebores this spring. The King of Hearts is beautiful, too. (Actually your whole garden is very lovely :)

Now you're from Powell, so I'm guessing you know Calalilly? She hails from that part of our great state, too. (Must be something in the air up there; she has an astonishing hellebore in her garden, too, LOL!)

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Beebalm - what's the variegated plant in the foreground? The whole bed looks beautiful. I love the stone edging. I see this all planted under a tree - what kinda tree is it? Do you have problems with roots there?

Powell, TN

Go Vols, Thanks, I do know Calalilly. She is great with plants. Her nursery is about a 8 minute drive from my house. Every time I go there I get a new plant. She is such a nice person. You will enjoy your Helleborus. It is such a long bloomer. Beebalm

This message was edited Saturday, May 18th 12:20 AM

Powell, TN

Poppysue, the variegated plant in the foreground is Spotted Dead Nettle, it is related to the Lamium Maculatum family.I planted this shade garden under a huge dogwood tree about 4 yrs. ago. I added soil. Not to close to the trunk but everywhere else. I put in topsoil mixed with mushroom compost. I put just enough so I could plant some shade plants without disturbing the dogwood roots. So far it has been doing great. I have been extending it out in width about a foot each year. Put in some azaleas on the edge that gets the morning sun. The plant that is green and white in front of the photo is a shrub that keeps it color all year. A friend gave me some cuttings just cut off a bunch and said just put in ground and they will root easy. Since then I have three bushes like this. She said by giving me a handfull I would have a full bush right off. She was right. I am always having to cut it back. If any one wants cuttings just let me know. It grows in shade and full sun and keeps the same variegated leaves. The spotted dead nettle blooms deep rose from early spring to summer. Some times it grows where you don't want it and you just clip it out. Vols thanks for the information you gave me on the King of Hearts, the Hyperlink. It is one of my favorite plants. Thanks Beebalm

Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

Lovely, lovely, lovely! I'm just starting one this year and your's is such an inspiration! I just love the mix of foliage and flowers and I like the path around it too. Looks like it's made of "found" materials. My favorite kind! Thanks for posting the picture. I now have a a vision of what I would like to create!

Powell, TN

Roshana,Thanks, You are right. I use what ever rock stones and etc. to try and blend in. The stone path is rather narrow, it was a path where our Shelties-dogs, walked, I didn't like the path and put the stones in they walk on the stones, and then I decided to put the shade garden in. I had to use one long landscaping timber to try and keep the soil in when I built the bed up. It has worked well. Thanks again. Beebalm

Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)

That is so beautiful.

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