Some good news

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Went to the hospital today for the follow-up on my glaucoma. The good news is that the medication is stabilising it. With a bit of luck, there mightn't be too much more deterioration.

That's excellent news Northerner :) I'm so pleased for you, it must be a great load off your mind!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Yes it is, but I'm just sad that it's all taken so long and caused so many problems at uni. Gonna be spending my summer revising instead of working on my project. I'm asking around to see if I can find anyone who can give me some private tuition.


I know it will work out for you, I hope you can find a good teacher :)

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

So nice to see you Northerner. And so glad to hear that the medication is helping!
Do hope that you manage to find someone to help with the extra tuition. You're very spunky to carry on regardless and i wish you all the very best. Have a good summer whatever :-)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I haven't been able to find anyone yet. I'll ask my personal tutor if he knows of anyone. A hard-up postgrad student would be just fine. I think the bursary will be paid during my revision period. But nothing when I am working on my project. It's a bummer...

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Sorry to hear that Northerner. Your luck's gotta change soon. Got my fingers and toes crossed for you &&&&

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Well, I could register for my project in the autumn and do it part-time over a year. Have to pay the fees for it that way. And do it while I'm working/looking for work. Which I think will be difficult. You really need to concentrate on these things.
If I'm not working or in employment at least I'll get the fees paid. And go at it like anything once I've got the go-ahead. And get it completed and handed in.
Either way stinks. But it has to be one way or the other cos they won't let me work on it yet or assign a spuervisor for me.
I have to revise during the next three months. There's one assignment I definitely have to re-submit and pass. A tough one - that I'm looking for a private tutor for. Java programming is not easy. There's another module which I may or may not have to re-submit - mark was borderline. And one I've done this term I think was borderline too - not sure whether I'll pass or not - lost too much time with my eye-sight sore and distorted from glaucoma. If I've failed that one they'll probably let me re-submit as a first attempt - on medical grounds. Hopefully if I win my appeal they'll let me do the Java as a first sit not a re-sit too, on medical grounds.
Think my Courseware Design module was above pass level, and the assignment I handed in earlier today looked above pass too. Got an exam tomorrow, yuk, just taking a few minutes out to clear my head. Bye for now!

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