How cold can annuals take it?

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Though we'll reach our so-called "safe" planting date on 5/15 here, I know our soil temp is probably still cold to plant. But how cold can annuals take it outside if they're in their cellpacks? Is anything in the 40's okay? We don't have much sun coming in our windows unless I re-arrange the one room which gets afternoon sun, LOL. Got stuff piled up on the shelves we used for seed-starting last year in the basement, too. Aaaargh! ;)

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

can't believe we're going to be in the 40's tonight!!!! I have everything out, and 40 should be okay for me, but all my cuttings aren't going to like it!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

It really depends what you have. There are tender, half hardy and hardy (to a degree) annuals. I evicted all my seedlings from the house a month or more ago. For the first couple of weeks I pulled the plastic up over my little hoop hut when it got below forty at night. They have been uncovered since then. What do you have and how long have they been outside?

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh, the usual stuff...But I don't have a hoop.

Some were at Lowe's outside in their garden center area: portulaca.

But others had been in a nursery's greenhouse: Trailing fuschia, impatiens, begonias (not tuberous, not wax, have big round leaves and little flowers - can't think of what you call 'em), cleome, dwarf morning glories, sun coleus, stock...Can't remember what else right now. Cranial flatulance. ;)

I need to see what the soil temp is and see if I can plant my bareroot stuff like caladium, acidanthera, freesia, dahlia's, etc.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

GW - if the plants are hardened off well you should be Ok as long as you don't get a frost. Frost might turn some of those to mush.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Supposed to get down in the mid-30's this weekend. Grrrrr! I had stuff outside last night when it dipped into the 40's, but everything seemed okay today. I potted up some cuttings of coleus and impatiens today, and those I'm keeping inside with bags around their trays for a few days. They'll root better in the warmth of the house, right?

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