Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Not yet I didn't but wanted to get this thread started, I'm sure that will be my sentiment when I do get the trade in the mail :~D

I sent my secret trade out today and it's going to the state of....oooh, I better not teeeellll! LOL


Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

going to ask Dave to move this to plant trading, most will be looking for it there. can't wait to hear what you get.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

just wanted to keep this near the top, at least long enough for everyone to know it's started. The boxes should start arriving soon, so be sure and post here please!!!

(Zone 5b)

Wow - my secret trade is in already! I got home yesterday to find a garden-in-a-box - literally!

Here's the list:

Stella D'oro daylily
lambs ear
heliopsis (false sunflower)
sweet pea vine
jupiters beard
black-eyed susan
purple coneflower
vinca vine
Each plant is really, really big and in great shape, and each has its own marker

AND - a hand-painted ladybug rock to guard everything! I love it!

I'm not positive about who my secret trader is, but I think it's dispatcher1?

Whew - I'll be planting for a couple evenings I think - one of my favorite things to do.

Thank you Lou!

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

What a great trade Cheryl!! Enjoy :~D


Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

I hope you enjoy the plants and the bug. I didn't have anything on your want list and felt bad about that. I was off work due to the river flooding where I work, so Friday I got up and started digging. I hope they survived okay. If you have any questions about them , let me know and I will help out if I can. Lou

(Zone 5b)

Lou I know I'll enjoy them! You sent so much of everything and it all looks great! I'll really enjoy planting everything.

I'm just starting to decorate my garden with things other than plants so the bug is perfect too.

Thank you again - very much!

Birmingham, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hi Wanted to let my secret trader (pardancanda) know I got my package today. I got some great plants from him.
Hosta Fragrant Bouguet
Campanula persicifolia White bell flower
Ajuga with blue flowers
Helictotrichon-Blue Oat Grass
Delosperma nubigenum Basutoland

Thanks so much for such a great selection of plants. I looked at your addie you only live about 45 minutes from me.

Happy Gardening and again thank you so much

THANK YOU SO MUCH WVDAISY!!!!!! WOW! Did I get the plants and they are all in good shape and beautiful and I can't pick a favorite bc I love them all. I got:

Several Hostas
Lambs Ear
3 different kinds of sedum
Star of Bethleham
Bell Flower
and an unknown pink flower which is beautiful and she sent a picture of it.

Thank You Thank You Thank You....You are so generous...And a BIG thanks to tiG for putting this together!!

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi Kim/silly_girl, you are very welcome, and I hope you enjoy your plants. I am on the border of zones 6 and 7 myself. Tried to find a few things on your wishlist... John

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

On Monday, I received 15 geraniums that are very healthy looking!!!! Then today , I received a package with texas blue bonnet seeds !!! Thanks You to the rhymer from ohio who has not yet identified him or her self. I made two hanging baskets for my shephards hook , a long planter beside my pond and had three left for a pot on the other side of the pond. I can't wait for them to bloom. I love them! Thanks so very much! Lou

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

hehehe, I know!!!!

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

Thank you very much to Midwestsnowbird!!! Received a nice package of plants today, and have them already planted:

(2) clumps of tall bearded Iris
Bee Balm (Monarda)
Rose Geranium

I do have some Iris, but these will make nice additions, can't wait to see them bloom.

Have been wanting Bee Balm and Monkshood, how did you know?

The Passionflower has leaves which are totally different from the ones we all got from jcf, hope to see it in bloom.

And the Rose Geranium is deliciously scented.

Thank you very much, I am very happy with my surprise package!


This message was edited Wednesday, May 15th 9:11 PM

John, I have monarda/bee balm coming out of my ears if you want some more. Mine blooms purple.

Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

I received my secret trade today and WOW!!!
I got
Rose of Sharon tree
Purple Monarda
a huge clump of iris
a huge clump of daylilys
and rose campion!!!
thank you so much VIC for an awesome secret trade.

Oh you are so welcome...I hope they do well for you...

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

As I was packing up my trade box this morning, my Secret trade box arrived for me.
This is like Christmas in a box. Wow, I must have been a good girl this year. lol

My Secret trader was were so giving to me. Thank you so much for all the lovely items. I do not have anything that you sent me. I am so looking forward to seeing these grow up. I have a couple of questions regarding certain plants, but I will contact you directly, ok?

Here's what I got:
Clerodendrum - Bungei
Heartleaf Bergenia
Liriope - Silver Dragon
Solanum Jasminoides - Potato Vine
Ruellia - Katie
Mock Orange - "Natchez"
Ginger "yellow butterfly"
Solanum Seaforthianum - "St Vincent Lilac"
Dutch Iris -Purp/with yellow
and some Mimulus seeds

I'm going out now and give these guys some water and pot up the ones that need it for now.

Thanks again for all the lovely plants Shannan,
and thank you tIG for all the work to arrange this fun trade.


Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

I received my box of plants today and sure was happy to see some fine plants. This very beautiful lady sent African Iris, Desert Bird of paradise, Bells of Ireland, Wormwood, and Menton Asiatic lilies. We all know her as Ma Vie Rose`.
Hugs for you Ma Vie and thanks to tiG for a great job.

SoCal your welcome and please email with any questions. If I didnt include all the latin names let me know i can find them on for you.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

my pleasure Mary/Busybee :D! Thanks for being a friend!!! to U too tiG! anxious and looking forward for my secret package too.

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Got my trade today from Azalea. Thanks for the fun of receiving all these plants. I got:
Black eyed susans
Rose Campion-magenta
Hardy Begonia
Strawberry begonia
Varigated Hosta- Christmas (something)
Several sedums
zebrina malva
Ice plant-hot pink
mini stone crop
blue salvia
I didn't have any of these except the malva. Thanks tiG for the work involved. Lani

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

this has really been fun watching and hopefully my person will be pleased that I've been watching this thread and mailing late, getting lots of reminders of things I have here :)

Chipley, FL(Zone 8a)

Got my package yesterday, it had such lovely things in most of what I don't have and the couple I do have are different colors. She is very generous and these were very healthy and big. I got:
Sweet Autumn Clematis
Voodoo Bulb
Purple Lantana
Frosty Pink Brug
sprial Ginger
Queens Tears
Aloe Vera
Rose of Sharon
My Secret Trader is Busybee - Mary
Thanks so much for everything Mary. I sent you an email with a couple of questions. Will have my package mailed out today.

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

You are very welcome Dee. I am glad that you are pleased with them.

Clearfield, PA(Zone 5a)

I got my secret trade today. I got Star of Bethelem, Campanula, Lamb's Ears, Hosta and Cosmos Picotee w/a little pot. My secret trade person is dignbloom. Thank you so much, they all arrived in great shape. I love them all. Sandy

Oh thank you naturepatch/ Luanne i recieved my package today and fixing to go start planting it all. I recieved:
Grape Hyacinth (Didn't have any)
Red bee balm
Lemon lilly
Rosa Rugosa
hollyhock seeds
Silver lace (been wanting this)
virginia creeper
egyption onions
Lady's mantle
Lilly of the valley
virginia bluebells
Sedeum Kamchatum
Blue columbine
Bloody cranesbill (been wanting this)
Old fashioned hosta
small yellow hosta
parkers yellow yarrow
Lavendar phlox
Indian blanket
False dragonhead
Coreopsis tickseed moonbeam
Coreopsis pink (been wanting this!)
Iris purple/ white
two tone purple iris
So as you can see i will be busy planting this afternoon. thank you so very much for all the lovely plants! they all came in great condition.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

I sent my box out this morning! She should get it around Tuesday!

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

kat7/kathy....DOIN THE HAPPY DANCE(aka rain!!!!

omg.....she sent me everything i didnt have...woohoo

here we go:
creeping phlox
rock soapwort
lambs ear(looks different than mine)
sedum 2 or 3 different kinds(never have enuff of that and always want more)
toad lilly
obedient plant-purple
shasta daisy
johnny jump up
lilly of the valley
black eyed susan

i sure hope it dont rain tomorrow so i can get these so dog gone happy........this has made my rainy day so much better!!!!!



Plymouth, PA(Zone 5b)

HI GOt mine today too... Thank you no1thumb... Heres what I got:

Hens & Chicks (atleast I think that is what they are)
Lambs Ears
blood red geran. cranes bill
Lily of the Valley
grape hyacinth
Autumn Sedum

Now off to plant them all :) Thanks again no1thumb

This message was edited Friday, May 17th 3:51 PM

Homer, NY

your welcome tamlamb YES they are hen & chicks! thought I marked them. happy growing

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

Got mine today! WOW!! Thank you Debby from Iowa!
These lovely plants are such a delight!
Blackberry Lily
Sweet Cicely
White Swan Coneflower
Red Bee Balm
Bleeding Heart
Thanx again!!!
And thanx tiG for making this possible!!
Great way to help brighten up these gloomy days in Cleveland!
LOL to all,
so glad to be welcomed into a terrific group of people!

Kittanning, PA

Hi All,
Got mine today... from a fellow Pennsylvanian....

I got:
Snow on the mountain
unk. Purple perennial( daughter will steal this!)
Mock orange... have been wanting this...
Thank you so much, tamlamb...

My trade isn't gonna make it into the mail til Monday.. Sorry for the delay. Hope my trader understands...

Plymouth, PA(Zone 5b)

hi SYR

Glad it arrived safely. Hope all them were ok. Wish I had something you were looking for. The mock orange smells wonderful when its in bloom.
Good luck

Bloomingdale, NJ(Zone 6a)

Hi Cindy/brommom-Glad you liked your trade!

Just recieved my box in the mail today-WOW!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH Patricia-so much cool stuff!

Here's what I got:

Daffodil and hyacinth bulbs (these were the only things I
already had, but had wanted to pick up more this spring
Heleborus orientalis-Thank you, thank you-I really wanted
geum rival salmon
perennial phlox bright eyes
perennial phlox cream de menth-I love varigated plants!
yellow cala lily
statice-been trying unsuccessfully to grow from seed!
brugmansia-really wanted to try one of these too!
seeds-brugmansia white, mixed abutilon, and datura double

Thank you so much-you really made my day!!

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Cecelia: You are most welcome. So glad to have you aboard here and that they all arrived well. They will provide you with years of pleasure. Debby

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

WOW, Everyone has gotten great trades! I get more and more excited! Can't wait to see what comes in the mail for me :~D I'm sure to be doing the happy dance too!


Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Mee too Lana!! I simply can't wait to get mine!! I have been waiting on the mailman everyday now. I kinda hope it don't come tomorrow b/c we are going to be gone all day (family reunion) and I don't want it to sit on the porch that long! oooo makes me want to skip the reunion just to see if it comes hee hee

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Oh, wow, where do I begin? I received my secret trade today IN PERSON from Badseed & family! She's very clever, this woman :) She & I have chatted several times in the DG chat room & via the threads. We're less than an hour apart and she had mentioned (very casually) that she was going to be passing by my area today and wanted to stop in for a quick "hi" just to meet. Sure, I said ~ it would be great to meet a friend from DGs in person! I had no idea that she was really being quite sneaky and delivering me my secret trade in person!!! She was in my area because she was coming to deliver it ALL in person! I emphasize ALL because she brought so much and had so many things that were on my wish list. Ucky weather, but very healthy plants!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Michele :) It was so much fun meeting you & your family. Your girls are so cute and well behaved. They wore out my son & dog, Morph, which is a great thing! I thoroughly enjoyed your visit and hope you all did, too. Can't wait til I can come & visit you :)

Here's what she brought (I hope I haven't missed anything as I was trying to find each and every item while it was turning dark) -->

Snow in Summer
Siberian Iris to compliment my Bearded Iris
New Bearded Iris Colors (peach & yellow with white)
Dame's Rocket
Black Eyed Susans
Various Malva varieties
Veronica Teucrium
Obedient Plant
Gooseneck Loosestrife (clethroides white)
Agastache-Anise Hyssop
Elephant's Head
Golden Tree
Beaf Steak Plant
Yellow Chrysanthamums
Dianthus angustifolia
Linaria purpurea
Verbascum chaixii
Verbena Bonariensis

Here's a picture of her wonderful family --> Hyperlink

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Heee hee ha ha! I was bad to Morph. LOL I want you all to know I had a really great time sneaking in a visit. Morph has a very lovely home with great landscaping and is about to garden all the rest. She has done a lot of work and has some great plans. I was thrilled to be able to contribute. :) It was so nice to meet her in person. She is a pretty little spunky gal with a great looking son and husband! They were such great sports to put up with us. Her son and dogs may never be the same. LOL Being a true gardener, she loaded up my flats with her own plants and sent me on my way! It would have been great to stay longer, but it was getting cold, dark and still raining! I can't wait until she can come visit me.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

dear ruby 42-Sue. thank you so much for the beautiful package. i received 2 hostas, for my addiction :), Ground master and So sweet. i was also sent coreopsis zagrab, obedient plant, campanula takesimana (elizabeth) AND.... a bears breech, which i've wanted really really bad. :) and to top it off she sent the cutes garden sign that says "Garden sweet garden" and hanging from the sign are a gardening fork, a flower pot with a lady bug painted on it and a watering can. they all have bows and are painted in a nice soft country pastels.
thank you sue, you were very generous with me and i appreciate it. can't wait to get them all planted outside and see them thrive. your a sweetie.
debi z

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