Put a mailbox in your garden!

Ashland, OH(Zone 6a)

I have an idea I wanted to share for those of you (like me!) who always seem to misplace those little garden hand tools, your gloves, or any other small items you might use while you're outside in your garden...
Get a regular sized mailbox and put it on a post in your garden! You can store all these little items in there and since you don't have to go out of your way to put them away, you'll actually keep your tools where they belong instead of outside "wherever" you happen to have used them last! *lol* I also keep a small tablet and pen in there so I can jot down those different ideas for the garden, etc. so I don't forget them by the time I get back into the house! On the side of my mailbox where the address is suppose to go I put the words "Mom's Happy Place" on it! It's really cute, if I do say so myself! ;-)

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