Foxglove looks bad

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

What is the problem here? They looked good through most of the winter, but now these look horrible and are turning brown, etc. I have some more in other parts of the garden and they look much better than this.

Thumbnail by hczone6
Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Nobody has any ideas?

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I was going to post verticillium wilt, but I couldn't find pictures to show you what it would look like on foxglove. Cut through a thick stem and have it handy when you look up info on that; I believe it would show up in the stems. It looks like some type of fungal wilt. Your best bet in any case is to remove any affected leaves from or around the plants, but I'm sure you've done that already.

My obedient plants were doing great, but now their leaf tips are starting to brown, probably from too much water. Are your problematic foxglove in a low area? Could it be a drainage issue?

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Not a drainage issue...

Foxgloves can cope with a bit of moist soil anyway. The same happens to mine each year, I think it is just the overwintering leaves dying out to make way for the new. As long as the new growth is green then the glove is OK. Take off the brown leaves though just in case, they can habour pests

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

I pulled a few of them up because they were infested with those stupid pill bugs or potato bugs...whatever you want to call them....the ones that feed on rotting material. Maybe they just needed some breathing room. They were packed pretty close together.

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