:-) ???

Little birdie singing shrill,
landed on my window sill,
quietly i got out of bed,
and slammed the window on its head,
now the noisey buggers dead,
i can go back to bed.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

ALAN!!!! Lisa

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Patty, naah, i like birds, in the mood for mischief fun tonight, Hi lisa, how are you tonight.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Alan, you will never catch you a good women if you don't like animals....Lisa

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Ladies, trust me, i do like animals, and dispite the picture you have of me, i dont go hunting them down, but mice in the green house at this time of year is not on, so i take action and get rid off, and if mischief will earn me points, get a big score board ready, lol.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Yeh, Patty, I guess we will let him slide on mischief fun!
Alan, I am fine, had quite a large day today. I really should not be on this doggone computer, I have so much to do. I am just getting in and have not even gave my family supper yet...BAD MOM....Lisa

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I think daves still working on it, i had a few words with red, it said dave was in too, bet we couldnt get him, i think it will work out ok, Lisa, your addiction is showing now, lol, pc before food.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

I gotta go...hope to be back shortly...Patty, my honey isn't even inside yet! He is undloading the trailer with the assumption that I am slaving over the stove....byyyeeeee

Good night all, see you tomorrow.

Aliso Viejo, CA(Zone 10a)


I had a good laugh. Thanks for the striking, beautiful poem.



Is that yours, or a Spike Milligan?

Rope is thicker, but
String is quicker.

Mary, no its not mine, it may well be spikes, it his form of humour.


Another Spike :

I must go down to the sea again
To the lonely shores and sky.

I left my shoes and socks there
I wonder if they're dry ?

Jo :)

HA, yes thats his, heard that one before.

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