
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

This message was edited Wednesday, May 1st 12:10 PM

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey P... not to worry. I find everyone very forgiving here. I'm never sure exactly where to post. But, somehow my questions get answered, even if I have to move them around a bit. Welcome to DG. I'm new here too. Alot of the members have bonded from the early times, but I'm sure they will let us join in the fun and iformation. Just keep piping up!
Cecelia from Cleveland

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Hey! Don't sweat the wee stuff! Posting to the wrong forum is a common thing but not a big deal. You just get better chance of the right people seeing it in the id forum.

Cecelia is right! Just jump on in and I promise not to pick on you for at least 10 minutes....want to give you a bit of a head start but not too much cause I am old and slow!

We really are a friendly group and always have room for new friends! So WELCOME FRIENDS!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Don't you believe one word of Zany's!! The old and slow bit of her message!! Sheesh!! She's quicker than the speed of sound and young enough to make some of us feel really old!! As for posting in the wrong place, it's an acceptable notion, we all do it and our Dave does the biz!! Now, keeping to the topic of the thread - that's another matter. We digress so much!!! lol!!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Pursuitt/Bob - welcome to Dave's Garden! You'll soon find your way around, and I promise there are few hard and fast rules (mostly common sense :)

Looks like you've re-posted your tree photo on the Identification forum (where it's most likely to be seen and ID'd.) As far as deleting what you've written, whenever you post something and view it after it's posted, you'll see an "Edit this post" link in the left-column, under your name and info. Click on it, scroll down a bit and you'll see a text box (just like you used to post in the first place), and you can edit your words.)

Hope this helps - and if not, there's always somebody around to help you if you holler. We're glad to have you gardening with us!

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