What Else Can I Do With Tins (Cans)?

Ladysmith, BC(Zone 8a)

We buy our jam & marmalade in little tins, (cans). Once you open the cans you then have a clear plastic lid/cover to put on the top to keep the jam or marmalade fresh.

These cans are about 3 inches across and about 3 inches deep. I have been collecting them and now have about 100 of these beauties!

At Christmas I put in the makings of Scottish Shortbread and covered the outside of the cans with a plaid/tartan paper with the instructions on how to make Scottish Shortbread glued on the top of the clear plastic lid/cover and sold them for $3.00 each ($2.00 US!)

What else can I do with them?

I thought about covering them with some sort of 'sewing' motif and gluing a pincushion on the clear plastic covers, selling them as pincushion's & storage.

Thought about filling them with water, freezing them, then punching a pattern with a nail and putting a votive candle or filling with citronella wax and selling as garden lights/lamps.

Anyone have anymore bright ideas?

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