looking for rooted cuttings of.....

Lancaster, CA

Salvia divinorum and Salvia apiana

Have perenial divisions of several scented creeping thymes and assorted other herbs to offer in exchange or could send postage

Love to hear from you

I would love some creeping thyme. I have some pink lugwart plant if your interested.

Lancaster, CA

Hi Midwest,

I am really only looking for the 2 salvias I listed. Thank you for reading my post.


High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Chris... is that what is commonly known as the Mexican salvia? lmk... ma vie

Lancaster, CA

Salvia apiana - is White Salvia, it is commonly used for making smudge sticks for smoke purification rituals. The other (Salvia divinorum) is commonly known as Diviner's Sage. I don't know if either are called Mexican salvia.


Blum, TX(Zone 8a)

I still haven't found any stevia plants where I've been.any one having any success with thiers and can spare a little rooting?

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