Crop circles

Ok, please don't laugh too hard. :-) I was curious what people here think about crop circles since the first one just showed up in Britain.

Hoax, aliens, or just pretty?

Myself, I think they're amazing. I don't see how they can all be hoaxes as some are just too complex yet I don't really want to jump on the alien bandwagon. Maybe I just enjoy the mystery!

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

they ARE totally amazing. When you see aerial photos of some with 200 circles there is no way someone on the ground can make them over night. They are so neat.


Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

how about the books. how can these circles be done over night and be so symetrical?

Wow! Amazing! It seems like every year they get more intricate, like the ones by Chilbolton Observatory. I believe they've discovered that sometimes the grain plants are growing at different rates, creating the design. Now how did those drunk guys do that? ;-)

Thanks Deblynn

That first circle is less than 20 miles from me, I will see if I can have a gander from the roadside next time I travel that way.

I'm not sure what causes them, I might be wrong but I think I read somewhere that crop circles have appeared in the GB for several centuries intermittently

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Great site thanks Deblynn.
I agree with you both - they're fascinating! So many unexplained things in this world. the things we understand are exciting enough, but so many are yet to be unravelled.

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