One for Corydalis fans

Corydalis wilsonii grown on the staging of the alpine house.


Thumbnail by Peter63


northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh Peter,
That is beautiful!

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

have you seen the climbing Corydalis?


Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

That is beautiful Peter! I just got some of this to plant along my porch I'm excited!!


Raphine, VA(Zone 6b)

I just started some of these from seed, need all the info on growing I can.
Here is a link of al the different kinds in pictures.

Hello Mark - which one is that by name please.


Hello RavenBuck - the Corydalis genus are annuals and perennials, fibrous and bulbous rooted. They like a soil that is ordinary to good.
A hightly fertile soil is not required.
Leaf-mould is a preferred material for incorporating and for mulching.
The site should be well-drained and in the sun or dappled shade. Certainly dappled shade would be an advantage in regions hotter than the UK.
Very good for rock gardens, edges of woodland and in fissures in old walls.

Annual kinds may be sown in situ in April. Perennials also in April, transplanting to permanent positions when large enough to handle.
They can also be propagated by division after flowering, and the bulbous species by offsets in March.


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