oxlips and cowslips whats the difference?

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

can someone please tell me the difference between Cowslips and Oxlips.



Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I know a few differences, but someone else (Baa?) probably will have it completely sussed.
The hairs on the leaves are straight in the cowslip (P. veris), but are curled on the oxlip (P. elatior)
The flowers all face one way in the oxlip, but face outwards in all directions in the cowslip.
I think usually the flowers of the cowslip are slightly more orangey
Scape longer in the oxlip (to 30cm) Only to 20cm in the cowslip
Just found a couple more - the oxlip must be generally bigger as:
Flower width Cowslip to 1.5cm Oxlip to 1.8cm
Leaf length Cowslip to 15cm Oxlip to 20cm
HTH :)

This message was edited Friday, Apr 19th 1:46 PM

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

according to my wildflower book 'Cowslip has small, often darker petals; Oxlip has large whitish yellow petals and a long capsule (seed head)'


Baa is getting a complex!

Beware - not all Oxslips are Oxslips! As you will know Prims are promiscuous breeders and commonly a hybrid from P veris and P vulgaris will be named Oxslip. These are easy to identify because they take a Polyanthus form with large, outward facing, pale flowers.

The true Oxslip - P elatior is remarkably similar to the P veris but had its calyx lobes drawn out to a fine point and the ripe capsule is at least as long as the calyx. P veris calyx lobes are shorter. As Philomel pointed out the umbels are always secund on the P elatior, while this only sometimes happens to P veris.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

thanks for the info peeps.


Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I don't know the difference so I asked a cow. She didn't know either but said if she ever met an Ox she would let me know :~}

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

thanks Zany! let me know when you meet the Ox


Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

You are welcome Mark ;~) I let you know for sure!


I think Evert has caught a clump of Oxslips on camera here.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

so I must have Oxlips and not Cowslips like I thought. I'' look at the in the morning


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