Lotus / lilies for trade

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I dumped my bucket (barrel) that I had the lotus seedlings in last year.I have 2 that have good size tubers and one thats lots longer but no fat tuber.They are yellow or sacred lotus,not sure ,started both seeds.Also have hardy water lilies that I have to divide.Do I know what ones-nope I have no clue.They are all named,just the tags are missing.I have James Byron,Fabiola,Souix,Joey Tomcek,and my mind is blank,can't remember the rest.Also have Mexicanna water lily.I am looking for A Night blooming tropical and a day blooming tropical,preferably reds or dark purples,blooming size,I don't do well with keeping tropicals over the winter to see them bloom next year.Also have other pond and bog plants on my trade list.Trades only please.

Thumbnail by crestedchik
Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

crestedchik, will the lotus bloom this year? You said they were seedlings last year? When the lily you are dividing blooms this year will you know which one it is? I do have some perennials on your want list.
Thanks, Lana

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I have no clue,I heard that some people say they don't bloom for 2 years,others have said they bloomed earlier some in 3 or more years.I'm no expert ,thats for sure.they were started in febuary of 2001.As for the lilies ,and what they'll be.I only divide them in the spring(or unless one gets too large for the container)I don't have time in the fall,buzy time at work and buzy show time too..I have metal tags made up to be attached to the pots this year,but that doesent mean I'll know next year what they are because my geese,swans & ducks have a nasty habit of breaking down the fencing to get in there.They uproot everything and I'm back to guessing again.If I don't trade these they will be going in the ponds out front.

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

You have mail :~)


Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

CC - I'd love a water lily. I only have a yellow & white. The white is getting booted this year since it hasn't bloomed well.

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