
Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Have any of you been seduced by what you thought was a really attractive plant, only to have it take over and make you regret the day you planted it?

I've been doing battle today with Lamium galeobdolon, which i added to a perfectly well-behaved collection of Lamiums in one of my shady areas. What a mistake! A wolf in sheeps' clothing alright! Wonderful marbled leaves and tasteful yellow flowers yes, but what a thug! Now it's all through the Helleborus hybrida, and rampaging round the Erythronium 'Pagoda's I've been jollying along.

Oh well, live and learn :(

What stories have the rest of you to tell?

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

Planting Tansy, what a nightmare. I should have known better even the smell is awful. Comes up everywhere. Fortuneatly I didn't bring any to this garden I have now.

Cypress Spurge! Really pretty plant but doesn't half take over, the Spanish Bluebells were here already and they are everywhere too.

I did plant Lamium galeobdolon last year and it was promptly eaten by the slugs and snails, after your experience Philomel I don't think I'll bother to replace it LOL. I bought some Tansey which has varigated leaves some years ago, fortunately that didn't do well in the soil so it was transplanted in a pot where is has multiplied rapidly but can be controlled easily.

We have a big patch of various Violas which have spread to their hearts content. I must admit I have no problem with these spreading everywhere sometimes an invasive plant is just worth growing!

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well i just love my purple loosetrife, people keep telling me its a bully, so i just let it fight with the yellow loosestrife around the pond.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

I don't have that kind of plant but.. Hepatica is spreading around our garden, but I think it isn't bad at all =)

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

yes my Geranium palmatum.

there are 100s of seedlings all over my geranium display and they will have to come out pronto.


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