info on shade-loving vine?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I don't often appear in this forum so forgive me if this question has shown up too many times.
I grow several kinds of vines but they all require sun or partial shade for best production of flowers. Does anyone know of a flowering vine that will grow well in deep shade? How about dappled shade? (Can be annual or perennial. I'm in zone 7.)
Many thanks.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Climbing hydrangea will tolerate some shade. I don't really know of a vine (perennial or annual) that will tolerate full shade...

Hi Shoe...I have a clematis (sugar candy) that takes shade. It only gets sun from about 2:00 to 4:00 and it blooms it's head off...Good Luck...vic

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

wow~! clematis? so good to know...I thought they needed more sun. I'll check it out! many thanks vic!

I think most clematis do require sun. The sugar candy was advertised as taking part shade so I thought I would try it. I have 3 clematis that will be 3 years old this summer. The ONLY one that has bloomed has been the sugar candy...LOL Good Luck...they are beautiful..

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Hmmm..! Sounds to me like I'm gonna be a Sugar Candy Junkie!! I better go look for some!!!

Many thanks vic!

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I have seen the bell-shaped clematis that liked shade. You might check

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks woodspirit. I'll check them out this evening! Much obliged. (Hope you are doing well!)

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

try Willy at gardensalive. it's gorgeous and says partial shade.

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi shoe,
I am always late, but I have Sweet Autum Clematis vines that grow real well in the shade. If you would like some just let me know.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Cool!! I'd be willing to trade you something busybee...just name it! (I really like the name of that Clematis!)
Hey tiG, I went to that site! Wow, they have some cool stuff there! In the past I've bought plant foods and anti-pest products from them, just wasn't aware untill recently they sold plants and such. Thanks!

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi Shoe,
If you will please send your address I can get you some vines in the mail this week.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Clematis 'Barbara Jackman' and 'Nellie Moser' both retain their flower colour better in shade. Perhaps not total shade all day, but they can certainly take a fair amount.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Just a quick but hearty thank you to Busybee~ I rec'd her plants the other day! Yay!!..very nice ones too, and they traveled well.
Much obliged bb!

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

just for a shot...hey horseshoe how did that clematis work out?? I'm on the look out for some to try and you are close to my zone..I'm a 7b..Raleigh area of NC :)

York, PA

Mrs. Chomdomoly (sp) and Polish Spirit both do very well for me in shade. Neither get more than an hour of two of sun and both bloom beautifully.


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

kristenrice, they did very good in semi-shade! Full shade tended to make them a bit scraggly but yet they still flowered pretty well. (Unfortunately it seems the deer decided to take a sample of them and over time they are nowhere to be found!)

joanne, thanks for the info...those sound like something I'd like to try!

Happy Gardening to All!


Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

I have two sweet autumn clematis and they have never bloosmed for us. They do get a fair amount of sun. Kinda dappled. The vine grows like wild!!!! Very pretty vine. I do have some of the Roouchii Clematis they are very slow growers they have been planted since early spring and really have not grown much at all. Maybe next year who knows? They do not cling like other clematis. You have to tie or weave them in your structure but they will get the bell flowers hopefully. Good luck... Ronna

(Zone 7a)

For outsmarting deer in the vine department, how about Smilax herbacea? It has some awesome qualities -

Does anyone know if its tips can be steamed like asparagus, as is the case with its "evil twin" Smilax rotundifolia?

There's a fern whose fiddleheads are supposed to be edible when steamed, too, but I can't remember which one.

Would be a very pretty combination and perhaps useful for permaculture.

Shoe, have you experimented with wild plants? I'll bet your shade-making plants are creating perfect conditions.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Just thought of the obvious one for total shade and hardiness - how about ivy?
The whole plant is wonderful for wildlife and once it gets large enough to send out its arboreal growth the flowers will be humming with bees at a time of year when things are normally going quiet and the berries fill a hungry gap for birds..............

You've gathered I like ivy LOL and there are so many attractive forms to choose from. It's also selfclinging so won't need tying in :)

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

hey horseshoe. we have a silverlace vine its in the shade most of the time. but its beautiful this year the first full year of it in our yard... white flowers all over. Ronna

Thumbnail by gardenlady123
Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

so if you want a vine that grows very fast this is for you.

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

bluespiral......Ostrich ferns are the variety that produce the edible fiddleheads.

(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Marie. Have you tried them? A neighbor of ours tried them and said they tasted like furballs - maybe his recipe needs tweaking.

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

No, I haven't tried them. I have read however about sauteing them in butter. They have to be very young from what I've read. Reports are of a taste similar to asparagus. Around here, the deer nip off so many that I can't bear to take any of the others.

Now if you were to ask about tasting hosta leaves and their blossoms...........

(Zone 7a)

Okay - I'll "bite" lol - how do they taste?

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I've only done raw, and as a decoration for a cake. The leaves aren't anything special and if you're going to try them, I recommend a delicate leaf. Tetraploids are like shoe leather. Perhaps, next time sauted in a bit of olive oil would be better.

The flowers/buds however can be quite good, and each variety seems to have a slightly different taste. At first I thought that all the deeply colored ones were better than the white, but was wrong. Some are not tasty, while others have a very sweet taste. The best of the buds resembled a very fresh, very young pea straight out of the garden.

Thumbnail by marie_
Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Late to the thread, but has anyone tried clematis 'Claire de Lune'? I have a shady fence that could use some love:-)
And, hey kristenrice. Garner, too?? Cool.
Shoe...Hate you missed our RU. Hope you are well.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Bev...looks like ya'll had a good time at the Roundup! (I didn't make it to any of them this year but just got back yesterday from a ten day camping trip so that makes me feel much better!)

I keep hearing about Claire de Lune clematis but haven't grown it yet. I'll definitely keep my eyes out for one.

gardenlady, your silver leaf vine looks like a good one, too! Will jot that one down for the future.

Regarding the fiddleheads, hah! I remember picking some one year from the ferns in the woods. They were quite dry/astringent and not something I have tried again. Fortunately I did more research later and found out when to properly pick them, how to properly sautee' them, etc! Wish me luck next time!


Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Shoe...Yep it was good times, good people:-) It must have been, I just got everything from there planted this past weekend! Whew!
Sounds like you had a nice, relaxing time camping...Maybe next roundup!


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