Where to buy organic rose spray ingredients?

Beachwood, OH

Will I be able to buy the ingredients recommended for the organic spray formula - horticultural oil, fish oil/seaweed emulsion, Superthrive at Home Depot? If not, can anyone tell me where I could get these ingredients.
Thank you so much.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Oompaul...just saw this post...sorry it took so long.
I get the majority of those items at our local garden center. Altho the owner never used to stock a lot of things like that he has gone out of his way to order them for me (and now stocks more and more organic supplies). You should check at your local center as well (I'm not referring to a big box store like Home Depot/Lowe's).
Other than that I also purchase a good amount of supplies from Garden's Alive...they not only specialize in organic supplies but give good info about their products and When to spray, What to spray for, How often, etc.
Hope that helps.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Also try your Farmer's Co-Op - at least around here, they are more likely to carry these items than the "big box" stores.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

oompaul, try looking for Alfalfa pellets, magnesium sulfate, and liquid kelp....mix all these in tea recipe..12 cups Alfalfa......6 cups Magnesium Sulfate, and 2 cups liquid kelp...stir all together in one garbage can ow water..wait for 2 wks..cont' stirring and use afterwards for your roses...this has wonderful results..Elaine

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

1601...good recipe. I use alfalfa as the base in many of my home-made plant foods. The most economical is in the form of horse food. (Local brand name around here is "Alpha-bits".) Magnesium sulfate is Epson's Salts. So basically oompaul you want horse food, epson's salts, and the kelp. By the way 1601, how big are ya'lls garbage cans up your way? In other words, how much water are you adding to the other ingredients? Sounds like something I'd try on some flower beds.

Moscow, TN(Zone 7a)

Is this what ya'll use to contol black spot? If not, any suggestions for a remedy.

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