Have seeds to trade

Selah, WA(Zone 6a)

I have some

Nicotiana Sylvestris
Bachelor's buttons ' mixed blue and purple'
blanket flowers
Double apricot hollyhocks

I am interested in uncommon herbs, herbs and just about anything else. (I love gardening)


Dexter, MI(Zone 5b)

I'd like to trade.
[Sanguisorba minor] salad burnet
[Cynara cardunculus] cardoon
[Physalis heterophylla] ground cherry (decorative, not edible)
I also have a *small* quantity of Persian basil, and Marzeh, which is like sweet fennel, according to an Iranian friend. (Just got these seeds and I'm waiting to plant them this spring!)

If you'd like any of these, please e-mail me.

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