What are other country's Planting, Harvesting????????

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Just wondering....what is going on in our world...we have a large number of you, that I am sure are doing much different things this time of year...Please stop in and tell us about what you are up to......Wantabegardener...(Diana) ;)

Shangshui, Henan, China(Zone 7b)

Having spring fever i am now.):
Spring right here.
Look and listen!Boys ,fluting on bullback;lasses ,larking while kate-flying.even white butterflies are nodding here and there over the white,blue,yellow wild flowers.spring--the king of year for us gards.
i,for reason of impatience,have sown the Okra seeds in my garden,covered with plastic cloth--waiting for them to bear 'money'pods.(no the veggie in my area,some big restaurants expressed their interests in it).
PS.The seeds from:US's Diana;Netherland's Jan and Brasil's Gustavo.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Diane,
here in England, my seed sowing is off to a flying start,(inside anyway)I must have sown about 30 differnt seeds over the last week, it's been lovely outside too, warm for this time of year, but I'm holding on before I sow as I need hubby to dig over veg plot, and he's managing to find many other jobs to do first !I really miss being able to do these things for myself, I usec to love spending a morning digging in the sun, the satisfaction after you,ve finished.everything else seems to be coming out early too,the montanas are ready to flower, we had our first thunder storm last night, so everything has had a good watering in, just as well as I sat and potted up loads of last years plants into larger pots, and didn't water them in ! :-) naughty I know ! I'm trying to get all of my pots onto gravel trays this year as the amount of plants potted up as things are pricked out and grown on has to be seen to be believed, by mid summer they are marching their way down the drive,and it can take me a couple of hours to water it all ,I'm hoping this way I won't need to water every day.That's the theory anyway :-)
I'm a bit late with my tom seeds though, they only went in yesterday, wasn't room in my propogator.Funny how you never have enough room at this time of year,hoping to pot on some more plants today, if the weather clears up that is .

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Do I qualify? I'm a US citizen up here in Alaska, but if you listen to many of the folks in the lower 48, you'd think we were a foreign country!

All my seeds with exception of radishes and carrots and seed potatoes, are started indoors under lights. Our season is quite short here. I've been starting seeds and transplanting since February, though none of this can be safely set out until late May or early June. Our season will end in mid September, with a killing frost anytime from that to October.

We re-installed the oil heater to the greenhouse, and now we have about forty flats in there, though the greenhouse is partially buried in snow! Our day temps have been ranging in the 30s and 40s, but night temps have dipped into the teens...yet it is Spring!

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello you three.....Sueone..your progress is very interesting....wondering.....dah...(Me) what is a :propogator, maybe a green house..???We are in Michigan, and we are still very cold....too cold..wish it would warm up.... Weezingreens Alaska,is very different from here...sounds like your area is coming along....Brrrrr....buried in snow.....???? Thanks for posting ...Jianhua, your way ahead of all of us....Hope it starts happening here soon.......Diana

WG a propagator is a seed tray with a domed clear lid, they come in all sorts of sizes and can be heated or unheated. Bit like a minature greenhouse. Maybe you have something similar in the US if not I'm buying up a load here and setting up shop there next Autumn ;)

I just had a look at my sowing records and there are too many to mention. I plant perennials all year round here anyway except during the summer. Most of the annuals have now been sown and a few tomatoes. This week it is the turn of the vegetables for sowing, I'm a bit late for broad beans but they will grow anyway. Today I intend to pot on some of the seedlings that have appeared and try and find some room in the greenhouse for them!

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I hope you are having the fab weather in Hants too Baa, I was sat on my deck yesterday, shoes and socks off, sunning my toes, with my knitting on my lap, and a cup of tea by my side ,and the cat the other, it was really warm, managed to pot on some more of last years plants, trying to thin out a bit to make room for this years !!!!!!!Then disaster struck, the shelf cracked and collapsed under the weight ,so I had to take them all off, they're now well and truly all over the drive. hope hubby doesn't want to get in garage !I seem to have clematis comimg out of my earholes :-)and loads more still in infancy. I'm sure glad of our weather, not so sure i could cope with thick snow outside my greenhouse,I've not used my parafin heater for about the last 5 years, but I'm sure that it'll hit us one year.What have you done so far Diana?is your growing season long or short? living on a little island like ours makes you forgey sometimes how vast some countries are, and the variations in climate.

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Sueone...Sounds like your weather is getting much better....Ours here...hahaha....we have a light coat of the white stuff on the ground.....Soooooo Spring for sure...we have planted some seeds..A few veggies...and flowers.....Have to use lights....inside....we do not have a green house.....we have a sun-room...all windows...even 4 sky lights....so it is a bright room....It is heated just like our house....so we turn it down at night....works well really....Have saves Geraniums, in big pots from last fall...and they are blooming very well now...even our flowering shrubs, are not blooming here.....This is Michigan....and you never know what the weather will be tomorrow.....it is AM now and the temp. is about 0 C Brrrrrrrr......our growing season is end of May---to Oct...but can be longer than that.....never know...!!!
Well thanks for posting...I just love to hear from all of you...Baa has a greenhouse....how nice...and how bout you Sueone????? would be nice...but we do not have any room for one...and we do have too much shade...all very very large Oak tree's.....Major shade, after the leaves come back......Thanks again...see you in the Garden...Diana

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

I'm collecting seeds and produce. Lots of tomatoes for canning, sauce and drying. I froze lots of vegies and made
relish and pickles.I been busy.
We're having our first cold nights and I already ordered the wood for my slow combustion heater, haven't light it yet, still warm enough.
Have to clean some seeds , then store them in a vacum container and into the fridge, till August...
I've done few trades with USA friends and they all got to their destination. The Lapageria rosea seeds are nearly ready to be collected.
Have sown some lillies and pardacandas, the daffodils and other bulbs I left them in the ground last year, I will have to put in the ground only the new one , not yet but may be next month.
My mums, they're all bursting with millions of flower, I'm trying to get some kind of flowers year round, difficult in the south of this country but, I'm getting there.
The rododendroms and azaleas they're all buttom-up, some time for they to flower but they will put out a show.

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