March 24, 2002 - Healthy Living

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey y'all. How are you today? We went to our best friends' home last night for a visit and they had, of all things, a bunch of fresh VEGGIES to munch. How's that for good friends? Ahem, well, they also had cheese chunks, and that was our downfall. But we did have many, many good veggies with just a little dip. Ah, well...

Sorry I didn't get this posted sooner. We got home before 11pm and fell asleep on our couch and loveseat - got up at 3:30am, just in time to get up and go back to bed!

This today's devotional.

I loved this one, too, because I can just see myself doing the same thing. Shoot, I *have* done the same thing, LOL. Anyone else? And Dan is right on in his thought for the day, too.

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