Old Tomcat Sprays My Greenhouse

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Got you to look, didn't I! Here's my DH heading out to the greenhouse with the sprayer full of soapy bleach water to disinfect the place in preparation for taking the plants out there. We do this every spring to destroy any potential aphids & diseases that can attack young plants. Next we'll staple up more plastic inside for a vapor barrier, then re-install the oil heater.

I don't keep soil in the greenhouse, potting everything instead. This also helps to keep the plants from contracting any bad microbes or aphids.

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Mason, MI

You are too much,
I'm laughing and shaking my head here...
Thanks for picture and the laugh! :-)

ROFLOL,yah ya shure dade,lol' So that's yer "HUNKA,HUNKA BURNIN' LUV"' HEEEEzzza "cutie" Weeze''':D Sorry,I'm not PC,AC,DC whatever,lol,I just tell it like it is'' Sis'

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yep, Sis, he's my hunk of tomcat and I love every whisker! Sure glad I didn't get him "fixed" when he was a kitten!

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

Well that was sure an eye catcher and a fooler. lol

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Weez - did Tomcat build your greenhouse? What do you have on it for a covering?

Tiffin, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm laughing at your thread title and crying because your dear husband looks so much like my late, much beloved father.Same beard, glasses, teddy bear figure and fashion sense- he always wore jeans and sweatshirts or T shirts with fishing logos on them. He was a family doctor for 50 years and saw patients up 'til the day before he went in the hospital at age 77. His patients adored him. He was an avid fisherman and the absolute high point of his life was a fishing trip to Alaska for salmon.We always teased him that he was more proud of that trophy fish than he was of us - his 14 children, but we knew that wasn't really true!!We lost him in 1996 and I miss him every day. It's wonderful to know he has a twin up there in Alaska- so tell your DH if he's a fisherman to catch one for Doc!! Melissa

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

mwhit: Thanks for the comparison of me and your dad. And yes I am a fisherman.

Was a commercial fisherman for many years, but now its a fly rod and waders that get my blood pumping.

As soon as the creeks start flowing up in the interior of Alaska Im going up to our youngest sons cabin for a week of combat trout fishing.

And the first one I catch and the first shot of brandy, will be for"Ol'Doc"..........Dennis

PS..Your dad seems like he had the same taste in clothes.
Tee-shirts, sweatshirts and blue jeans.......D....

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Hey, Poppysue, we sort of skipped over you. Yes, DH built the greenhouse for me about four years ago. It's covered with that fiberglass sheeting, which isn't as good as lexan, but it does the job for starting my plants in the spring. The barnstyle shape gives me plenty of light, especially that slanted spring light. I can put plants on the bench, under the bench, and on the top racks that hang from the upper walls. I can also hang about 20 hanging pots. By late spring it's a jungle in there!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Ok, as long as we're bumping up some of these springtime funnies, I thought I'd resurrect the Old Tomcat.

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh weez I forgot about this one thanks for the laugh!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yes, Philomel still refers to my DH as 'The Old Tomcat'!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the smile all over again. As soon as I saw it, I had a strange sense of deja vu ;o)

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

So that's how he got his nickname!!!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

That's it, Judy! LOL!

Dahlonega, GA

bump. digger

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Now this is a real hoot, I'm thinking stinky cat, instead we get a teddy bear.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Thanks for the bump! It's good to see my Ol' Tomcat again, back in the good old days. For those of you who don't know, he passed away February 22nd. This picture always made him smile.... me, too.

Dahlonega, GA

Weez , I didn't know , but thought he had the kindest face in that pic . and of course I had to bump up your sense of humor . I lost my little brother (61 yrs old ) in Feb . and I took Mamas place with him after we lost her.
From your past posts , he was special , God bless , digger

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Thanks, Digger. Dennis was a very kind man, and he did have a kind face. He was always running out of gas somewhere, and he never failed to get a ride to the gas station... he had that kind of face. He had a beard all the time we were married, and resting my head on his shoulder, it was soft and spongy. I felt like a bird in a nest. Thanks for bumping him up.

Dahlonega, GA

yep , and my dh has whiskers . digger

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Yep, never knew him in person except via Internet. No doubt about it he sure put a lot of life in Weezy's world!

(Course now, he was a bit befuddled when it came to figgering out when to set tomatoes out!)

Thinking of you often, Weezin!

Happiest of Happy Day to ya!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Hi, Shoe! Haven't been checking DG lately, as I'm up to my ears in seedlings and I don't have the Ol' Tomcat to help out, so I'm flying solo. Now you know Dennis followed your instructions to the letter when it came to settin' out 'maters!

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