Wonderful site

Ladysmith, BC(Zone 8a)

I found this wonderful site for all types of sewing projects, from babies, to animals, to old folks. Check it out, lots of cool things to make, especially for charity.


These step-by-step projects are delightful and of great comfort to the receiver. Thread your needle forr those in need!
Adult Bibs
Creative Kindness
Snuggles Blanket
Salvation Army Christmas Stockings
Quick & Easy Cradle/Crib Sheet
Hug Me Teddybear
Wheelchair Totes
Preemie "Angel" Gowns
Suzy Bags
Reach to Recovery
Hospital Bed Saddlebag
Walker Caddie
Lap Robe
Clothes for Kids
Chemotherapy Turbans
Comfort Caps™ Cancer Hat project
Crib Size Baby Quilts
(mass produced)
Child Doll Pattern

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