my snowdrop web site is now online

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

but with 3 errors that will be sorted out real soon.

it's aimed at snowdrop growers and those just getting hooked by them. I will be writing answers for all the FAQ and expanding on the intro page as I get time.

I would like creative critisism please. what do you like and dont you like.

the site is found here


Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Ok Mark are you trying to get me addicted to another whole species of plants? Oh, nevermind it is too late! Hooked me with the first row of photos!

The only thing that I saw that could possibly be any better is on the cultivars page. The lists read across the lovely background photo and the yellow is impossible for my eyes to read over the white areas. On the other pages it reads down the sides out of the white and is great!

Signed, your biggest Fan...Zanymuse

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

what we will be doing tomorrow is changing the color of the text that runs over the white areas to either green or black.

as for the yellow text it's the only one that contrasts well enough with the background. the only soloution is to have a plain background and plain text ie black and white as seen here.

the problems occur because I'm trying to make a very impressive site.

I'm honored to have you as a fan.

if tomorrow is a good day I hope to take some perennial sunflower cuttings for you.


Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Yes, I could see why you were using the yellow since it does go so well with the background. It was only a problen over the light areas of the background photo. I will check back tommorrow to see the change :)

As for the cuttings a big grin appears on my face! Thanks Mark!

Great pics Mark, lovely site!

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

thanks folks.


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