Spirea and Russian Sage pruning?

Savannah, GA(Zone 8a)

We are here in our summer home in Highlands NC doing a spring clean up and Im not sure about the pruning of Russian Sage and Spirea Anthony Waterer. Do they put out new growth on old wood or do I need to prune them back a bit?

Perrysburg, OH(Zone 5a)

My Russian Sage is about 4yrs old and I've never cut it back, I just remove any dead branches. It seems to grow a a bit sprawly though. My sister-in-law cuts her's back to about one foot every fall and it grows much more upright. hope that helps.

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Since we are on the subject of Russian Sage. Has anyone ever tried rooting the trimmings? I am wondering if that is a possibility.

Himrod, NY(Zone 6a)

2 weeks ago tomorrow it was in the 70's here and itching to start something I took cuttings from a dead looking Russian sage, about 12 of them, I stuck them in a pot with other cuttings and put them in an east facing window. Today all of the cuttings have small leaves on the tips of them!!! No rooting hormone or anything. I made sure I cut at an angle just under a leaf node and had a leaf node poking out of the soil by about 3/4 of an inch. I am SOOO excited. But we had 14*s this morning so I must wait..

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Joyous, I too am joyous concerning your tidbits of information. I have lots of available shoots to cut if I so desire. Thanks so much for the info. I will get some of them started for our plant sale in May.

Himrod, NY(Zone 6a)

Elena, we have a plant exchange at our church in late May or early June and I am trying to get different things going for it. It is such a great way to get new plants and many of us have so many babies (I think most everything I plant self sows and I can never throw them out) we count on new gardeners to come and take and take so we don't have to take home!!! Alas, they also have to take our advice on how to grow them LOL. It is a great exchange of advice and friendship too. I also took some cuttings of Basket of Gold not sure of the correct name but it comes up every year and those cuttings look good too.

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