Double hurdle

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

I've a couple of problems with my trades in the past two weeks :
Letters from the USA that have the custom declaration filled in with "seeds" have been send back to sender this has happened to a couple of traders.
After some enquiries, I've been told that USPS has sent a circular to foreign custom services around the world asking for cooperation to enforce USA fitosanitary law...and other things..........
Envelopes or packets sent to me without any mention of ; "seeds, herbs, flowers" have not raised eyebrows and have reached their destination safely..........

The other hurdle , on my end , has been from a postal employee that got a "sudden love" for gardening and is stealing some of my trades; I've got "circunstancial evidence" but no proof...

Has anybody had this kind of problem in the pass?
How to go about it?
Any ideas?


Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

I have not had any problems like that because I have sent seeds only once to US after January 22nd-- without a mention of seeds on the envelope.

Anyway, I sent some 1 and 2 cents coins to The Netherlands last week by Surface/2nd class mail. My friend got a piece of the envelope and a note from Netherlands post. The coins were taken.... pretty annoying. I hate the stealing PO workers. Or are they post óffice workers who steal the things? Anyway, I have never had the problem with Priority mail. I don't really like the 1nd class mail anymore. I have had several problems with it.

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Evert, I do feel annoyed too, by someone else opening the enveloppe , taking thing from inside and receiving the opened mail did create a bad atmosphere between me and my regular postman. He explained the situation and he felt really embarrased, and I do know it was not is so ...... As you say, perhaps is better to use only priority mail in the future, eh?


Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I can only speak for myself and not for other PO workers... especially mail workers in other countries. In the US mail is often ripped on the machines that sort them. If there is something bulky in the envelope ... like seeds or coins for that matter.... it increases the chance it could get ripped. Ideally a bulky envelope would be hand sorted - but the POs dedication to have all the mail automated means that often envelopes that are non-machinable are put through automated machines regardless. When an envelope gets stuck in a machine and is ripped open - the contents fall out and there's often no telling which envelope the items came out of. All the loose goods that come from the mail with no envelope go to the claims & inquiry department of the office. If you have something of value you can call the claims & inquiry office and ask them to check it out for you. They may have your items waiting to be claimed.

If a person is stealing - then there are probably other people missing items in the mail. Call the office and ask every time your suspicious. Numerous complaints may give them the initiative to investigate. It is not common for PO workers to steal. Inspectors can have cameras on anyone at anytime for any reason. Not many workers would risk their job for a pack of seeds or a few coins. Ya never know tho – people do stupid things sometimes. I saw a guy get fired for stealing rebate checks.

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

poppysue, I know exactly what you mean, because I never had a problem before, I did complain to the post master and as I said before, there is few evidences but not proof. By the way, the enveloppe was cleanly cut open with a sharp knife, not rip apart.

I do know that the worker will be transfer ( I do not know when )to another branch near his home, he did apply for the transfer and it is a good thing that he got it : makes everyone happy. His boss feels that by moving near his residence he may not do it again. ......



Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Well ... I think his boss is wrong. Usually someone that gets away with it once ... is confident to do it again & again. If there are problems in the other office he transfers to hopefully he will get caught.

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