so warm here today

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

hi all

it is such a lovely day here today. as I'm at work I just went and got a temperature probe from one of the delivery vans.

the temperature is 13.6C/55F. I hope this is an indication of what is to come later in the summer.


Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

You lucky *&%£$* it's cold (bit under 10C), very windy and pouring with rain here in the 'Garden of England'
Was lovely yesterday when i was stuck indoors all day!
S*ds law - or should that be Murphy's?

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

Its been lovely here in Northumberland very sunny until now 18.21 I found a peacock butterfly in the greenhouse, I caught it and let it go. It makes me feel good spring is here.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Southmede!! are you sure it was a peacock?. it was most probably just out of hibernation. I found 2 tortoishells while cleaning out my shed. I placed both carefully out of harms way and they are still there 10 days later.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

it's 7.10pm and it is still +10 outside. I've come in from checking all my pots and recycling any compost from those where the plant hasn't survived the winter.

the majority of my geraniums are now showing re-growth.


New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

This message was edited Sunday, Apr 28th 12:19 PM

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

Mark, it was certainly a Peacock Butterfly, I hope that I did the right thing by letting it out.
Not so good weather today, and I've found the tail feathers of a pigeon. we have a sparrowhawk around. It's taking all but two of the doves at the nearby farm.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

It's warm here too. I picked up a few plants at the weekend. They're lying outside my backdoor, nicely watered, waiting for when I have a few days' holiday at the end of this week. Got a couple of lupins, couple of Oriental poppies, a heuchera and others. Very pleased that each plant only cost me about £1 each. Lokking forward to having a breath of fresh air away from the computer.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

How're things going Northerner? You sound a bit bogged down. Pleased you found some plants. I do exactly the same, but some of mine wait longer than they should before i get to them. I think the record's 3 years, but wouldn't be certain LOL

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

another warm day today. just now at 2pm it was 14.5C/57F.


Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

i saw a couple of bees coming out of hibernation yesterday. it's been very mild here too.. been doing loads in the garden, cutting out some new beds and cutting down our enormous hedge! unfortunately let bf do some work digging and he managed to dig up and completely savage some pernennials which were just coming out of dormancy ('i thought they were weeds!' he said), grr, anyway, he did a good job on the borders!


Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

and it gets warmer!!

15.5C/60F at midday today and I'm off very soon.


Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Been warm here too again today though not as warm as yesterday. I'm busy planting perennials. Hope to go back to the shop where I got these tomorrow morning - 95p each. Got six lupins, several campanulas, malva, geums, lavendula, and others.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

since I started the thread we hit 18C late last weekend.

Northerner those are cheap plants!!


Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

Hi Mark,

did you find out what nest that was? I had a wee look through some sites but couldn't find anything.

All the best


Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

we have had excellent weather for just short of a month now. it broke during the night, 'bout time too, and has been passion all night and all day so far.

BTW passion is a rainy day in Ballymena (a town near to me)


Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

And there you were getting us all excited, LOL!
Still no rain here and we've had a cold east wind to put up with for quite a while. Warmer and pleasanter today though :)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Well Mark, the plants are probably fiarly small and young. It's possible that the lupins, for example, will flower next year rather than this. but I can't afford the garden centre prices and i haven't seen that the garden centre plants are any better than these cheap ones. So if half of these plants make it through to next year, for example, then it is only half the financial loss compared with the garden centre plants.
Of course, there is probably not quite as much variety compared to the variety stocked by the garden centres. So I'm likely to go to Stockton market one day later this spring - it also has cheap plants and add a few more. And possibly return to the garden centre after that and add a few plants which I haven't been able to get elsewhere. I'm really pleased to find this little hardware shop stcoking perennials - tho they are probably going to be selling bedding plants from now on. It's open on Sunday mornings too, which is good.

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