Tuesday 27 March

Hi every body : this is so frustrating that I can only get on this machine at odd moments and then have to wait until the next day or even more before I can get back to my friends.
Alan, are u OK ? Odd not to hear from you.
Jan, I hope you do hang around, it's nice to hear a new voice.
Louisa, you've really got me worried now, I've had lots of emails from people I don't know and I've either just ignored them or deleted them without looking first. I guess paranoia has a place in this computer world we inhabit.
Hey Diane, how's it going with the builders, have you warmed up yet ? IT's really biting cold here and I was thinking of you as I was walking around the market this morning. How's the house insurance ? Would it cover the bowing window ? Iknow from experience that if a large window smashes (in my case a snooker ball thrown by a tot in tantrum - heart failure or what?) then the repl;acement will have to be in safety glass which is thick enough to not bow or deform so that you'll not be able to sue the supplier/fitter. If it's covered I guess yoyu could cross your fingers that a builder could drop his ladder against the window or something.....
On the subject of cowboy firms, there's a company of builders in East London who go by the name of Patel (of course) and they've got a great logo on their van which says :
"Never mind the cowboys, try the Indians!"
That made me larff when I first saw it.
Off now 'cos this getting too long - as usual.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Morning Jo and all, Ys, I'm getting worried about Alan also. Could there be a connection I wonder with Lisa, me and Alan's disappearance? Maybe that's too sinister a thought! Cold here this morning, it dipped to about 20F last night but next week promises to warm up considerably - in the 70s I think! Talk later :-)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello all! Not quite as cold here today. The fencing work is getting on. They're on the last section now. Their boss, Peter Wilkinson, came and had a look at it. He said my garden was a picture as he came round the corner. My local GC said the same thing. I thought Peter meant the fencing and I thought, funny, fences aren't very picturesque. I think he meant these flower beds that I've been working on with their spring bulbs and primulas. If so, it's quite a compliment as Peter is a genuine landscape gardener, very dear, and the best there is locally for miles around. His gardens win loads of awards. The men will be back in a few days time to remove some of the struts supporting the fences. It'll be about a week before I can give them a dig.
I don't think my insurance will cover this window. I think it's designed for accidents. If it's wear and tear it's not covered. If it's dodgy work it's not covered either. The family who live opposite me have three young lads who play a lot of footie. I'll have to give them loads and loads of encouragement. Right lads, here's a nice lawn for you to play on. Right, mind my new fences. See that window, that's the goal, right, one, two, three, shoot!!!!
I'm needing a lot doing in the kitchen, new carpet - or lino, redecorating, new curtains. I really can't afford it at the moment. If the window will hold if I don't open it for a while I'll just have to leave it. But I think I'll have a look on some of the other Forums and see if I can get some more advice.
I wonder if Alan's puter is playing up? Glad to have you back online Louisa. Was that snooker ball-throwing tot one of your own Jo?
Better see how my men are getting on, Bye for now, Diane!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Patty - are you there?

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Patty - I don't blame you for not opening up my email to you (or did you?). Some nasty people around that have nothing better to do. You have to feel pity for them, what sad lives they must live. I fear that Alan has the virus also!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Morning everyone,
I havent been here till today(ok lurking)I just wanted to say hi and hope you all have a great day. I will be stopping by now and then-gotta get busy today.!
freezing in Michigan,

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Martha - Good morning - how lovely to have you visit us. Please come back and often :-)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I have to go - catch ya later :-)

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Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello notmartha! Please look in again!! It's fun having visitors!!
Well, my fences are finished apart from the struts to be removed in a few days' time. Then there's the bill to come in...
It looks a sturdy job and they're guaranteed for 20 years. I can't say they're pretty but then fences generally aren't. They're close-board and tanalised.
Hi Patty, Hi Louisa!!! I hope you're both fine!!

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Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well Diane you will have to clothe it with climbing plants,in a short while you will not see my fences, got climbing roses,clematis,Honeysuckle, but i painted the fence green when it was bare so it can last a long time.

Hi Everyone
Patty have you tried Zycam (SP?) Works great but you have to stick with it. Within a day you wont even feel like you have a cold. But you have to do it for the time they say otherwise the cold just comes back. I used it for a few days and I felt so good I stopped. Then bang! I had the cold back as bad as it was when I first used the stuff. Hope your feeling better eitherway.
Patty- what do you have animal wise? I presently have 5 dogs (Shep x, 2 Whippits (one is 5 months) a black Lab and a mini poo) 4 cats (one who just recently had his tail amputated because it was run over by a car) 2 bunnies and a chicken ( and pond fish). Springtime gets busy for me because I raise Raccoons, wild bunnies and baby squirrils. I really belong on a farm which Hubby and I plan on getting after he retires.
Talk later

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