Albacar and Ashwaganda-info?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Does anyone use these or have any info on them? I am about to look up info but thought I would post here for more practical info. The Albacar only says 'makes a great calming, soothing tea'. I don't remember what the Ashwaganda is for, but the seeds sprouted well last year and I had some left. LOL The Albacar came up quickly with the basil and the seed leaves look the same.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Well, you've spiked my interest! (I had assumed Albacar was a white automobile.)
I'm gonna do some checking in my books and call a local herbalist friend. Will be back in touch.
(By the way, if you are looking for a nice soothing tea I have some lemon balm seeds you're welcome to. You'd love it!)

Selah, WA(Zone 6a)

Albacar is a Spanish word for basil. Ashwagandha is sometimes called ' Indian ginseng ', It is the primary strengthening tonic: used for everything from general weakness, rheumatism, insomnia, infertility, impotence and 'weakness of the mind'.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I did find the proper name I had in my notes from last year for Ashwaganda. I had Withania somniferum. I don't know whether to be thrilled about Albacar being basil or not, but it sure explains why the seed leaves look the same! LOL Thank you Penny. Hey Shoe, I have regular lemon balm but if you have any spotted or golden, we will have to talk! Oh and Albacar-white car-ROTFL!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

τΏτ ;>)

Knoxville, TN

lolhehehehehe i think that is like white lighting here lol
but i will have to check with granny about what she puts in
her spring tonic,,,,,,hehehe

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