Why we LOVE John Yeoman - RR

Now John, you're wonderful gentleman, stop all that paranoia, it ruins that tie your wearing ;) That wasn't what I meant sweeting.

I would be more than happy to host an RR but I need some instructions on how to do it, perhaps it can be a joint RR half veg, half anything else seed wise. Who knows what might turn up.

Any thoughts? (other than why we hate Baa LOL private email only)

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

baa - i'd love to join in if you're hosting.. send me an email that you want to do it and i'll give you some instructions on how to host the RR. i've got loads of seeds to include left over from Mike Piper's. i was gonna start another myself, but havn't had the time lately. i could donate you a load of seeds to start you off.

anyway, let me know


Thanks Lil

I've had absolutely no interest in this, if more join I'll be happy to host :)

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I'd be in please Baa, was waiting to see if it was you or John

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

there you go baa! any more?

I think Evert showed some interest on the other thread.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

baa - Mike Piper put down his set of rules for his round robin, i hope he wont mind me repeating them here:

The Rules

#1 All I ask is that if you take out a pack of seeds you put one back in.
#2 If you have extra seeds and want to put any in I will use these packs for Newbies to Dave's Garden.
#3 Make sure your seeds packs are sealed and labled.
#4 Send fair trades,if you only have a few seeds please mark it as such or rare on the packs.
#5 Reseal outer packages good, and place the next lable on the package and try to mail it back out within three days.
#6 If packages start looking bad or wore try to fix it or replace it so the next person gets it intact.
#7 Post on the Piper Spring RR Thread and or e-mail me when you mailed it and recieved it so I can keep track of it.
#8 If there is already two packs of a seeds I.E. Marigolds in there don't put in any more so the varity stays good.
#9 Please post what you TOOK OUT and PUT IN, try to put in things that will balance out the mix to keep the varity good.
#10 If for some reason you can't get it out within the three days post why so we know what is going on.I know things happen and things can get put off, but be kind to the next person on the list and everyone else as to why, so we are not sitting wondering if it got lost.
#11 Make sure it has the right amount of postage for where it is going.

Pretty simple realy, Store bought seeds can be used as trades.

Hope this helps :)

Hey Lil

Great stuff, thanks!

I have a ton of stuff here, I'll put in a mixture of all sorts, some unusual, some normal, veg, herbs etc unless people want it to be more specific like hardy plants only.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

i think a mixture would be good, then everyone can get something they'll like, maybe stick to the rule if you take out an annual replace it with a annual, if you take out a vegetable replace it with a vegetable.. etc

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

That sounds a really good idea Lilith. Yes, a mixture would be nice :)

Ivinghoe Beds, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Thanks everyone!

Please forgive my unforgiveable delay in replying here. My computer crashed.

Yes, the rules above look good.

I've just received back the first of the Village Guild 'perennial' Round Robins. This one took just five weeks to circuit eight participants, within the UK, then returned to me.

I call it 'perennial' because, with the participants' agreement, I'm mailing it out again - to the first person on the list. So when they get it (again), 'twil be full of entirely new varieties.

Only problem I forsee, is that folk may get tired of sticking on yet more postage stamps, when they already have more than enough seed to hand.

So alas, the RR will die out eventually, through human inertia...

But meanwhile, I've never seen so many hopefully submitted - broken, twisted and unlabelled seed packets in my life! (Outside my potting shed, that is.)

Nor so many exquisitely labelled and packaged heirloom seeds... the labours of true love.

Count me in, for your next one!



Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Baa, count me in!

Please count me in, too. Thanks!



Great stuff you are all counted in. Please go to the link above for further information :)

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

Has this RR already started?? If not, I wanna be innit...pleezzz

All the best


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