Burning Bush cuttings? ...

Kittanning, PA

How do i do a cutting on a burning bush? I need to know ALL the specifics....also would like to know how to do rhodos, holly, azaleas....

Hi SYR,hope this helps....http://www.tree-pruning.com/links.html

Kittanning, PA

OH Sis,
THANK YOU SO MUCH :-)... there is ALOT of info on there. I bookmarked it...so i can go back and read and absorb..

KEWL BEANS,LOL' I JUST LEARNED THAT OTHERWISE GUESS I'D BE DATING MYSELF JUST SAYING "COOL" Now gotta read my link too,lol as my Burning Bush is driving me nutso,just sets there,soooo slow' Wanted fall colors but 3 leaves just doesn't quite do it for me,lol' See ya,Sis'

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