How to tell your in Alaska

Hamburg/Pinnebog, MI(Zone 6a)

. . .when you're outside at -40 below , shoveling snow in your shorts , well you know it's a hassle putting on all those cloths for just 10 minutes.

. . .when your friend calls you up and says "Hey, I have some furniture for sale. Is there enough room in your igloo for it?"

. . .you can see the road through the floorboard of your pickup truck.

. . .you have called an 800 number you found in a catalog and then were told "Alaska? Oh, we don't ship out of the United States." (Try saying "North Pole", most places usually laugh for a solid minute, or they just hang up thinking you're some kind of prankster.)

. . .you know going "outside" involves a whole lot more than opening a door and walking into the yard.

. . .you have ever worn a tie with waders.

. . .you have learned to never say to your kids, "Be home by dark."

. . .you know Bunny Boots aren't worn by bunnies or made out of bunnies.

. . .you know the meaning of the word "baleen" and it has nothing to do with making hay into large cubes.

. . .you think it's normal for a town to put all the businesses on one side of the road.

. . .there are only three seasons: winter, breakup, summer.

. . .your local golf course has "happy hour" between 1:00 and 2:00 am

. . .the seat in your outhouse is lined with styrofoam so your butt won't freeze to it when you have to sit down for a amount of time.

. . .when you have to set your alarm every three hours to go start you car and let it run for 20 min. so hopefully it will start in the morning so you can go to work.

. . .when you leave the water running in the sink so your pipes won't freeze and you can't sleep because all you can hear is the water running.

. . .Instead of plugging in your freezer you just move it to the front porch!

. . .You open your freezer to take out something for dinner, and are faced with many choices, Pink Salmon, Silver Salmon, Red Salmon, King Salmon, Smoked Salmon, or Halibut!

. . .You go to shop for a second vehicle and come home with a snowmobile!

. . .you're buying a house & you have to ask for water & electricity as an option.

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