March 8, 2002 - Healthy Living

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Howdy, all. I stuck to my calories for the most part today. I need to start writing them down again for a week or so, just to keep my mind on them more. I tend to munch a little more when I'm not feeling up to par - just comfort food reflex, I know - and I need to munch on crunchy, low-cal things!

Click this for today's devotional. I really liked today's reading; it talks about God already knowing our struggles and needs before we even ask Him. It's a comfort to know there's at least one Someone who knows my every weakness, loves me in spite of them, and is just waiting to help me in the exact way that I really need help -- if I ask Him. I love Howie more than anyone on this earth, but even he will fail me despite his most genuine desire not to. He's human!

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