'Senior Moments'

Birmingham, United Kingdom

My local supermarket is only one minute away from my house, on foot.I walk there, constantly repeating what I need to buy....'bread , milk, bread ,milk, bread, milk......So why is it that when I get there, I stand and say 'Why am I here ? What do I need'?How many times must I go upstairs before I remember what I went up for?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Beats me, she said scratching her head absent-mindedly. Uh, perhaps you forgot the amnesia tablets?

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

I know the situation so well, in fact somebody said one of the best things about forgetfulmess is you never see a repeat on the TVf

I hate food shopping for that very reason, I always come out with far more than I went in for and often sem to leave something out!

Sheila LOL very true!

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