Private Message for Melody

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

So, comes the mail with a package from Austin Isaacs containing seeds for eight tomato varieties, six of which are Kentucky heirlooms. And guess what: one of 'em is called Rose Beauty. It was grown on Happy Top Mtn, on the Estill/Jackson Cty. border in the late 1920s and early '30s, and comes to us via, are you ready, John Rose, of Richmond.

So, Kiddo, I hope all your plans were solid, cause I'm sending you some of this seed, and now you'll have to change them.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Hehehe!!! (I knew something like this was coming!!) Heee-heee!!!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)


You've probably had these since before Christmas!At least since these are tomatoes,you can't wait till the middle of May to announce this. You've most likely got THAT little surprise waiting too.

You'll get yours....and It's gonna be a goodie,and like you,I'll post it here for the whole Garden to chuckle over!

Incidently,for those of you who don't know, Mel is very grateful that her friend Brook keeps her in mind when he is collecting seeds.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

So much for this being a private message, LOL. Don't mind us "flies on the wall" watching - and chuckling.

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

Mel: What fun would it be to send you seeds when it's too late to start them? The secret is to send them when they've got to be set _right now_. Just like the Rose beans I sent you last year.

And, no, I didn't have them since Christmas. Literally got them in yesterday's mail. But when I saw that Rose in the name, had to send you some.

G-V: I showed my post to Friend Wife last night, and asked her if she wanted to get a pool going on how many people got involved in this "private" message. Let's see: 22 views right now, and two responses from people who aren't named Melody. Not a bad start. :-)

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

okay, I'll help the pool along!! and there'll be more views, cause all of us nosy ones have to re-view when there's a new post! LOL!

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

The total views number is secondary, Tig, for the reason you say. What really counts is the number of posts. I've got my pool number, but I'm sure not sharing it.

And, hey! If you want a piece of the pool, you gotta toss a buck on the table like everybody else.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

nah, nah, don't want in the pool, just trying to figure if you or Friend Wife would bet higher. hmmm....oh well, here's one more for one of you:)

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Oh,this plot will get thicker and thicker before I'm done.

I don't know whether to go ahead and use this goodie,but I'm tempted. I've had it waiting in the wings for about a year now and after the Rose Bean deal,I decided to hold it till I could really get some mileage out of it.

It's something I think Brook can't live without,but I need an expert's opinion.

Who do I know that could give me an unbiased and educated opinion on this little treasure.
And treasure ,it is. It's historical and very collectable to anyone who appreciates Southern history. Not just Seed Savers.

Hmmmm...who could tell me if this is the right time to trot this out??? got mail!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

MELODY! Good Gosh-a-bejeeegers!!! You sure you wanna play such a lucrative hand? (If'n it were me I'd hold out...what you got oughtta bring in ten times what he's braggin about!)
Lookee here folks...I got "The Email". My server even had neon lites flashing when it came in! I only noticed cuz the sireens in my computer went off when it arrived.
Mel, you got gold! YOu sure you wanna put Brook thru this? After all, he is a friend of us all. I hate the sight of someone eating their heart out. He's gonna die for this bounty. (You really thinkin about sharing this with him?) (Methinks you better buy me off with some of's so hard to keep quiet!)
Brook, trust nice to'll never guess what she has! (Course now, I suggest you at least try. For your sake!)

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

She just wants me to beg. But I'm too proud. I'll never, never, not hardly ever get down on my knees.......

Well, maybe down on one of them. Pwurty, pwurty pweeze Mel? At least tell me what it is.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Naaaah...this is the first time I've been the subject of a pool (that I know of) and I'm a gonna win!

What 'cha think I've got folks?

If anybody guesses,I'll tell. And let you have some too!!!

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

Keep it up, Girlfriend, and I may have to trot out a bad word.

Besides which, you don't count in the pool. Your name _is_ Melody.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

all I'm guessing is that you have Brook not sleeping!! !LOL!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh my gooness gracious! I'm popping at the seams trying to keep this to myself! Brook, don't know how close you live to Mel...if not too far you may wanna go snoop around over there. (I sure hope her email is true. If so, there is no doubt she is one of the VERY few people who have this goody.) (And Mel, don't forget now...I'm doing good keeping my mouth shut, so be sure to reward me!)

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

Shoe! You're supposed to be my friend! Surely this is a secret you can share. Send it privately. I'll never tell, I won't. ;>)

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

HAH! I see that look on your face!!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

While we live in the same state,we're pretty much at opposite ends of it. I'm confident that there won't be anyone peeking in my windows if that's what you want to know.

Oh this one's good,and all will be revealed in due time.

Shoe,I may have to send a bribe your way.It looks like you're having trouble keeping this under your hat. Or is this a sneaky way of getting first dibbs????

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

Bribes, secret messages, and other Washington-like chicanary. Whatever is this site coming to?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Yee-hawww!! Brook, you'll never guess, but you should at least start trying. Eventually she'll get tired of your guesses and let one of us have it. (You're gonna hate it if I get it first tho!) And by the way, just to be looking out for ya Brook, I think she should at least post a hint or two, don't you?
See ya'll!
(Chicanery: pronounced chick-cannery; a packing plant that cans poultry)from MarySue DeBone's Dikshunary of Southern Language.)

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Looks like it's getting down to us three..and Shoe has more than a passing intrest in the outcome. I figured more folks would hop in and guess what's coming.

This comes to me from TWO famous families. And I can vouch that it was Direct Collected. I have photographic evidence and actual memorabilia.It is extremely old. The person that I got it from passed away last year at the age of 72.He was one of the 'youngsters'. Now these are not just famous families...they are icons in their field,revered and respected by millions.

Jump in here Shoe if you have any tidbits you want to expound on.You have such an authentic way with words that I'm sure 'Mother' wouldn't mind.

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok. I give up. Can't begin to guess.

But, if it's just down to us three anyway, Mel, we don't have to share it----whatever it is---with anybody else. Right?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Mel...does I see a carrot dangling? Brook, can you almost reach it?
Actually Mel, the outcome is in playing along. Love it!
Hmmm..."tidbits" I want to expound on,you say? Lemme see...I'll say this...she's correct about the "direct collected". And also about the two famous families. And, just to go out on a limb here (Brook) let me just offer this:
(1)There are many gardens in our lives.
(2)There is much music in our gardens.
(3)When someone can take something that comes from a garden, put their own creativity to it, (making it a treasure to be desired and looked forward to by others) and pass it on to a select few...then
(4)For sure, it is an heirloom to be treasured.

Like one of our ex-President's once said "I have lusted in my heart" (was that Jimma CARTER?)...I imagine several of ya'll out there are really craving(!) for what Mel has by now!!

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

LOL!! I'm just craving a tomato!!! love seeing these two little storylines playing out.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Well said Shoe.But it looks like the carrot is hanging in front of your nose now! Methinks you want this worse than Brook..and you know what it is! Aren't YOU lusting in your heart just a little??

And for all of you 'flies on the wall' out there,you better speak up,or I just might send Shoe and Brook the goodies when this game's over and leave ya'll hanging!Trust me,this little hijacked thread in the tomato forum has an outcome just about everyone will want to participate in.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Really folks...I wanna see some guesses out there! Especially from Brook and all those of ya sitting on the edge of your seats! You have some hidden clues up there, put your brains in gear now.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I've been watching to see what the goodie turns out to be, but didn't want to intrude. I can't even guess, but I'm thinking along the lines that this goodie came from a former presidential family.

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

The thing is, I'm not the least little bit tempted. I never cared much for carrots anyhow.

You believe that Mel, doncha?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

"Sour grapes"...? τΏτ
(hehehehe) (don't believe him Mel...he must be squirming by now!)

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Good guess near yet so far. Not Presidential,but ooooh,you're so close!Shoe has given a great set of clues.

Brook,you know you're gonna eventually wind up with this anyway,but I can prolong the agony awhile. You know it's gotta be good.I just wish you'd squirm a little more.Heh Heh Heh

I hope I have enough of this to go around when it's all said and done.

Between Shoe and myself,the name is hidden in the thread,but what I've got is still a mystery.I'll bet vols could figure it out. I MAY have to get her attention...Hey Vols!!!!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh noo...Vols' mind works like a computer, you may be right Mel!
Hmmm...Joan is getting warm. Brook is cold and squirming...c'mon Brook, you can do this! Think of your collections.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Well,my Rose Beauty seeds came today,so I guess it's about time we wound this baby up.Thanks Brook,you've been a good sport in this little adventure.

For those of you who are keeping up,the tomato is light yellow with a pink blush.(He know's I'm such a sucker for bi-colors)Already got them planted.

I'm going to ring the final BELL at 9AM EDT Monday.I guess I'll have to reveal the identity of my secret treasure then.I guess prizes are in order too.Shoe deserves one anyway. If I don't,I guess we'll all be treated to the sight of Shoe crawling on his hands and knees from North Carolina to KY to beg for some of this.

So far Joan is the closest to the identity of the person,so she's in the running for a prize. You flies better get busy....'cause only people who atually post a guess will get a 'taste' of this.

Use the clues given in all the posts.The name of the originator of this item is there along with the profession that they had.It isn't seeds or plants,but gardens are required to construct it.

This has been fun,and while it digressed a little from the original thread subject,I think more of these little contests would be a hoot.

Keep guessing folks! It's all just got to find it!

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I've almost got these posts memorized. LOL! But, I think I've almost got at least part of it. I'll let Brook take a guess first though.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

I'm such a newbie, it's hard to even know where to start. So I'm off on a search!!

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

I would never in a million years get it, but I take it, it isn't old brook or Melody?? (just slighty amused that both those are varities!)

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Brook!!!! Please come post a guess. I'm bursting here now wondering if I'm right about something, but I want you to guess first. It's your game after all.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Hehehe...I can't believe this! Hey Mel! JoanJ just IM'd me...I think she is getting very close! I'm tickled pink! (And no, I didn't divulged the prize...but sure came close to recommending her to be perhaps the first to get some of it! She's good!!!)

Folks, more and more clues are popping far there appears to be a name, a profession, its origin, from famous folk(s), an "heirloom", from a garden, not necessarily a seed or plant, just WHAT else could it be?
I LOVE this game! And now Brook, care to take the floor?

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I'm betting Brook is out of town this weekend...he's not normally this quiet. It's that, or he's really got something in the works for a pay back! I shudder to think what he'll do to top this.

tiG,you're on a cold track..better change how you're reading these threads.Joan was soooo close. This person's name is scattered through the thread like a word jumble.While they aren't presidential,I would have to say this person is a member of a First Family.

I got this item from another unrelated First Family in the same profession. Both families are famous,but I'm only asking you to guess the originator of the item from the original family to have it.

As to what I've got,I mentioned several weeks back in another forum to Brook that he'll really want one of these and that I'll have one to tempt him with.

Keep it got more than 24 hours!

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

Mel: No, I'm not out of town. Look at my post from March 7 at 8:56 PM. I gave up way back then.

Never was no good at guessing games.

But, thanks to Olambert, I win the pool. I'd bet Friend Wife that at least five people besides Melody would get involved, and he put me over the top. Yay!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Well,It looks like Brook's happy regardless of whatever happens with the guessing game.

Sound's like it's fair game ya'll....he knows he's got some of it anyway. Go ahead and take your best shot.

I won't announce the winner till Monday anyway,so we can play the game tomorrow too. I'll post a few more clues here and there. This has been so fun,kinda makes me want to sing!

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