Dreaming of Summer

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I'm sitting in our log house with snow surrounding it, and I'm dreaming of those days when the greenhouse is filled with sweet scented flowers...ahhhhh.

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Yes.... know what you mean Weez..that's such a pretty sight..seeing your plants.
It is so sunny here today that I'm having trouble seeing the 'puter screen..even with the mini blinds closed..can't seem to get myself away from Dave's Garden this weekend..but I have to get some work done! I must I must!
I have 475 pics on my computer of my plants and garden and I looked at each and every one of them last night..and dreamed..just like you.....

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Are those marigolds hanging from your tree?
What are they planted in? They are very pretty.

Geneseo, IL(Zone 5a)

Weezingreens, Its beautiful.. I didn't know alaska got so green!! Shows how your interpetations of a place are. always thinking of cold, snow, polar bears and eskimos and the ice houses..in alaska..How long is your green, growing season?? Stay warm. we just got 10 inches of snow, but so far not as cold as we thought it would be.. bon

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yes, Starzz: It's interesting that we are all looking through our photo albums on the computer and visiting in Dave's Garden. It's as if we are all sitting together and passing the pics around! I, too, have lots to do, but I can't seem to get past the computer and Dave's. I spend early mornings planting in my basement, then misting the flats, but my house could reeeeeally use a good cleaning, and this slant of sun sure lets me know about it as it dances off the dust!

The flowers on the tree are nemesia. They are planted in a little container I made from chicken wire lined with woodland moss. I hang them from the trees for extra color. I'll post a picture of one for you.

Bon: Yes, it gets pretty green here in the summer. We're in the Southcentral region, on the Kenai Peninsula, and on the coast of Resurrection Bay, so we get plenty of rain. Our green season starts from May-October, but we can't rule out the threat of frost until about June 1, and we often get hard freezes in early September.. so it's pretty short! We've got to get real green real fast! Sounds like the midwest is getting all our snow this spring!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Gee.Weez.....what a pretty oasis you have there, everything tucked in so nicely...what temps do you keep it at? Elaine

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Elaine: In the early spring we heat the greenhouse & keep it at about 65-70 degrees during the day, then it drops down to 55-60 at night. We usually get out to the greenhouse about April 1st., and our temps are still pretty wintery. As the weather warms, we turn the heat off during the day and back on at night. We can begin hardening off plants in mid-May, the generally plant them out by June 1st.

I keep a fan going for air circulation, and I prop the door to vent also. We're going to have a better ventilation system on the new greenhouse.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

It looks like you have a nice set up but if you are raising things to sell I can see that you would be out of space in a short time. Maybe the open cold frame says you are out of space now. How big will the new greenhouse be?

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

The new greenhouse is going to be 10x32'. Yes, I run out of space pretty fast. After the danger of frost is pretty much over, I set up tables for the plants and cover them with row cover at night. By June 1st, I have plants in my basement, in the Red Shed, the greenhouse, the cold frames, and any other spot I can find! The new greenhouse will make my life much easier.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Wow, Weez! that is one big greenhouse! Down here, we set out plants around the end of the last really cold frost..the weather bureau has just designated this March the coldest on record,,we had friends for dinner tonight, so busy yakking and everything..they looked out our back door and the porch is covered in snow...but the temps are way down! the garden room and the glasshouse are cozy! everytings comin' into bloom! won't be long now..We put up one of the patio umbrellas in April,,nice to sit out in the sun! Elaine

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