dogwood tree help please!!!!!!!!!1

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

Everytime i try and grow these they die. i am going monday and pick up 20 bare rooted trees. should i plant them directly into the ground or put into pots and grow better roots until fall and then plant into the ground. i have long hot dry summers.

Saint Helen, MI(Zone 5a)

Which dogwood are you asking about? Latin name.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

here's a link for u jcf...

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

thanks for the link.

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Dogwoods would prefer a little moisture and shade. I planted one and forgot about it. It's doing great. It's in an area that gets dappled shade most of the day and it gets plenty of moisture, without being wet. I have another one planted out in the open on the east side of my house and it does great too, but it's staying more like a shrub than a tree...kinda funny.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

u're very welcome JCF: my pleasure :)!!!

btw... i planted dogwood on 14 gal. pot. have them under the canopy of a huge Juniper tree. it is bursting with buds now.

Kingston, GA(Zone 7b)

Hey jcf :) This may be an old wise tale but it has always worked for me. I was told that if I was getting a dogwood from the woods and transplanting it to my yard, that the best time to do this was when the dogwoods were in bloom and to make sure I kept it's roots planted in the same direction (north, south, east, or west direction)as I got it from the woods. I am not a professional gardener by no means and I know the professional gardners would argue with me on this. LOL But this advice was passed down through our southern family gardeners and it has always worked for me. This works well with other trees too. I wish you much success with your dogwoods. :)

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

well so far it looks like it is going to make it. starting to see a little sign of new growth. got my fingers crossed!

Circleville, OH(Zone 8b)

Feed with 25% acid food on a regular basis rather than full strengh three or four times a year. The trick about the roots was passed down to me as well.

Temple, GA(Zone 7b)

The tricks on the roots I've heard to and I've also been told put the roots in a bag or cover them somehow so the wind doesn't hit them. Also, I've always been told by my Grat-grandpa, you can transplant any tree or shrub, in amy month with the letter "R" in the spelling of the month. I have found that really works too!!! Just some old southern garden gossip, that I love hearing!

Traci S

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