need help with idea

Geneseo, IL(Zone 5a)

My dd is getting married May 5, at our new house that isn't done yet.. No yard, no flowers. I'm getting all worked up. I thought about getting tulip bulbs, daffodils, crocus, hyacinth bulbs and starting them in containers, and maybe by May they might be blooming.. am I all wet, or will this work?? Any suggestions would be appreciated, as there is sooooo much to do.. thanks Bon

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Bon....I think that's a no go...Why not try some Dianthus (Carnations). Roses in pots with some baby's breath or white allysum, or maybe a wonderful array of Lilies with some Nasturiums?


Geneseo, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks for reply.. just thinking of the outside with these if it worked.. Her colors pink and white and roses... I'm doing them too. am buying silk a little at a time to make up the vases.. will do her bouquet and the girls out of fresh when the day is close. Lots to do - when day is closer. Just trying to get nice things done now if I can. Am making candles now and the ribbons for the chairs. I think I'm thinking too much and will probably do too much. But ideas i sure do appreciat... Bon

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Bon - by the end of April there will be a whole assortmant of annuals out in the stores - and they'll most likely be blooming. Just pick out the colors you like and arange them in containers. If they're in 4-inch pots you wouldn't even have to plant them - just arrange 4 or 5 in a large pot and top them off with bark mulch. I don't think you could count on bulbs blooming at the right time for you.

Geneseo, IL(Zone 5a)

Poppysue, you think they'll be blooming??? I hope so. then that will be what I will do.. thats a great idea.. I guess I'm getting excited too soon for my own good. the pink ones are what I will be after.. Put them all over the porch the driveway, inside the house, outside the house.. Hope it will look ok... no grass there, no gardens no nothin' Thanks for your ideas Both of you I will use them Bon

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Of cousre they will be blooming then, patunias, snapdragons, celosia, coleus, dianthus will be out in all the nurseries and stores by then! Relax, and have some fun with this Bon. I'm sure everything is going to be lovely!!


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