March 2, 2002 - Healthy Living

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm issuing a challenge to y'all. All you lurkers, come forward and give us a smile. That's all, just let us know you still have a pulse, LOL. We'd especially like to hear from anyone who has taken off weight and kept it off -- today's devotional talks about how encouraging it can be to have someone on your side who's walked in your shoes and knows what you're going through.

Howie and I did okay today. We ordered subs for dinner from Donato's and Howie told the guy *five* times that we did not want any dressing on the sandwiches or the salads - that we had dressing at home. So what do we get? Two veggie subs slathered in Italian dressing. Calories don't count if it's someone else's error, right? We had enough calories for them, but it took us to the limit for the day. It sure cut into having a snack later on this evening! Ah well...

I *believe* we'll live!

Today's devotional:

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