Greenhouse film/part 2

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

OK,I'm about to order the film to cover the greenhouse.Some sites I visited offer greenhouse film that keeps condensation from forming.Is this something I want to pay extra for,or because its just a hobby greenhouse(and my first) should I just deal with the condensation?I'm going to order 24' x 100' .I am going to double it.I saw one site that offered some kinda Super Dura film,that supposedly was so good it would cut heating costs by 20 % ,has anyone had experience with this stuff?They want $320 for the roll and DH said,well,I can't say what he said.Trying to keep the cost LOW! HEEELLLPPPP!!!!!!

Tyler, TX(Zone 8a)

Here in Texas I use just use the single sheet and I just love the condensation I have a 40X100 foot house and I recover mine every two years I am sure we do not get as cold here as you do

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

CC, we bought the condensation free, super film and it made things too tender inside the green house. Didn't really notice any savings in the heat bill either. The double layer of plastic with the dead air space seemed to help more than anything (and sealing up the big cracks around the fans and doors.)
My jungle house has lots of condensation and other than it dripping on me in the mornings, it's not really a problem. I just have to remember not to hang my jacket against the wet wall or leave seed packs or papers exposed to the moisture.

Knoxville, TN

SUSIE IS RIGHT her jungle house is doing great and it reminds me of a greenhouse effect on a island,,,,i was waiting for one of her 8 ft plants to reach over and grab me,,,so what she uses is great,,,,,,,

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Calla,glad I can get the cheaper stuff.Now to figure out whos got it cheapest.....

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I ordered from Burton's Flower & Greenhouse Supply (BFG) - they're in the Watchdog - after Oscarsdotter mentioned them. A roll of 20 x 100 Super Dura 6 mm was $150 (or thereabouts) - I think the whole thing with tax and freight was around $175. I *think* I read a post from Oscarsdotter that her 24x100 roll was around $170 before taxes and shipping - shipping will probably run $15-$20 depending on the weight.

The SuperDura isn't more heat-retentive (I don't think) but it's UV-rated so it *should* hold up longer than the non-UV rated.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Yes, be SURE that it's UV rated, if not it will break down the first year. I've had one green house, the one at the house, that's had the same cover over it since 1996. It will need replaced this year(the kitty cat walked on it)but it's still not falling apart.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I ordered the GH film today from BFG.They have a warehouse in Buffalo NY and I could have just picked it up ,but its 2 1/2 hours away.So they said they drive out to Syracuse once a week,and they could bring it to Syracuse and I could pick it up from what ever GH they were delivering to but I'd have to get their permission.So instead they are sending it UPS and I'll get it at work.CAN"T WAIT! still have 2 trees to cut down before we put it up.....

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

CC - I thought you might like to see the picture of this one ... how he does the plastic and the front door. I'm thinking I might buy from this guy since he's so close to me. I dunno. I'm soo confused.

Woodsville, NH(Zone 4a)

Poppy, this is the guy that I bought mine from.If you need any info on it e-mail me.There was a problem with the poly that he uses.

This message was edited Tuesday, Mar 26th 1:21 AM

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Snow - I'd love to see what you have for info and know what any probelms are.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Sue, here's a case study for you.

My next-door neighbor and I both erected GH last November. His is one of those deluxe $3,000 model (about 8x10) with polycarb walls, tarp floor, set on his lawn.

Mine is PVC and wood frame about 50% larger (10x12), covered with 6 mil UV-rated "Super-Dura" film (single layer), set on a cement pad.

He heated his with one of those 4" block-style ceramic heaters. Most days his automatic vent was opening by 7 a.m. because it was already in the 70s or 80s in there.

Mine was heated with a propane heater, using approximately 2 gallons of propane each night I ran it (which is anytime the temps are to get below 35.) I turned my heater off around 7:30 on all but the cloudiest, coldest mornings, when the sun started hitting in full force.

For the first year, I'm still ahead of the $$ game, because I spent about $500 on my GH, and I've spent probably $300 on propane. I don't know how much he's spent on his ceramic heater - I know they're efficient, but I'm sure it does cause a little something to run it - I'd guess it's increased his home electric bill by $10-$20 per month (~$50 total) or so since he kept it heated all fall and winter.

Next fall, I'll add a second layer of sheeting and a fan blower between the layers. I'm also going to add a black padded floor to help absorb sunlight.

I expect those measures, plus not heating the GH until late January/early February will cut my heating bills signicantly.

Which one would I do if I had it to do over again? Aesthetically, the polycarb looks nicer. And it's pre-fabricated so you don't have to be a carpenter to put it together, and it's more energy-efficent.

But from a pure cost standpoint, I just ran some numbers. Assuming I keep using $200 in fuel each year to his $50, and I have to spend $200 to replace my film every 4 years, it will take 14 years for my total costs to equal his.

Hope that helps you some....

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I'll bet that little ceramic heater used more than 50 bucks of electricy this year,I'd guess closer to 50 bucks a month!And Sue,I think thats a nice little greenhouse.If I had seen it before I invested all the money in the stuff I have I would have probably bought one from him.They got the last tree down here this weekend.,I have to transplant a lilac thats still in the way,move the dog pen and get some gravel delivered.Then the frame goes up.Seems we had spring all winter long and now winter is back .I got a foot of snow on Friday,couple of inches this weekend,and today Freezing rain!

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Vols - that is a great comparison! After seeing snowhermits - I will probably buy from him. Can't beat the price - that's for sure. I don't think we could make one ourselves any cheaper. I'm not planning to have it until the fall - so I have plenty of time.

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