February 27, 2002 - Healthy Living

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hello, everyone!

I'm trying something a little different with the devotionals, scanning them directly from the book. This will save me a lot of typing and will give you a picture file you can right-click and save if you'd like to share it with others.

Also, since they'll be in my DG journal, the devotionals will be available to both subscribers and non-subscribers at DG. Each day in this thread I'll post the link to the current day's devotional.

I have them scanned and ready clear through the end of March now. Woo-hoo! Let me know what you think, okay?

See http://davesgarden.com/editgj/showimage.php?iid=4429 for the February 27 Devotions for Dieters.

:) Kimberley

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