February 23, 2002 - Healthy Living

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Happy weekend, everyone!

We got our tax refund this week, so we're going to shop for a couple of air mattresses for the round-up. Yeeeee-haw! Tonight (well, late Friday night) was our "bad" night. But it's Saturday now, and we're back on the wagon.

My folks invited us to be their guests at some insurance thingie at a favorite local restaurant; a friend from their old church is doing a presentation and wants warm bodies there. It's a free meal with my folks, and at one of our favorite restaurants; you can't beat that. Maybe the company ordered chicken breasts, or we will be able to order whatever we want so we can get chicken. Sure hope so: We did our splurge tonight counting on them having healthy alternatives available tomorrow night!

Today's Devotional:

Proverbs 18:10 --

Kate was so thankful that Dennis was willing to spend time with her. Since she started her diet, Kate had tried everything in her power to keep from being alone. When she was alone, she ate. When she was with friends, she didn't feel the need quite as strongly. When she was with friends who understood her, they helped her keep her mind off food. Dennis was one of those understanding friends. He would talk and laugh and make her forget all about eating. He made himself available as much as he could, and Kate was truly grateful. She felt he was a fortress she could run to, where she would be safe from the temptation of food and drink.

Today's Thought:God gives us plaes of refuge when we tire!


This just brings up such good food for thought...So, gang, what are some of your refuges?

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