Best value veg??

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I posted this in the organic forum - but only got one taker, who's favourite was an okra!! Must say i agree with the choice, but would hardly be a heavy cropper in the UK, (at least not without a lot of effort and a greenhouse??!).
So what do the UK tribe think??

Was wondering which veg's you all think are the tastiest AND most productive?? There are lots with delicious flavour and many that give a bumper crop, but which ones do you reckon do BOTH?? as well as being not too difficult.

I'll make a start by nominating Kale 'Pentland Brigg'
Not at all your usual kale, but gives tender tasty shoots over a long period. And i found it easy to grow. But then your soils/climates etc will be different to mine, as well as your taste buds, so...........??

Mustard cress gets my vote!

I'm one of the worlds worst veg growers although I try. Potatoes are another good value crop for me, we grow then in big containers and regardless of variety we always seem to get a heavy crop. Broad beans come a close third and Rhubarb Timperly Early, which is an ornamental pond plant here, gives lots of long red stalks early in the year for no maintainence whatsoever.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

My favourite veg has to be Leeks,after that Cauliflower then Brussell sprouts? and for really quick growing cant beat Lettuce or khol Rabi.I used to grow all my veg on the allotment until the council got rid of them to build industrial units, they offered me another patch of land that had never ever been cultivated,not like the old allotment which had been used by my family since the 1920s and i am getting a bit too old for that kind of digging. Awaiting a new allotment but have to wait until somebody pops their clogs near where i live now.But for clearing and benifiting the soil cant beat tatties/

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