Lotus Mrs. Perry Slocum

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Have a limited number of tubers to trade for like quality aquatic or tropical plants.


Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

I don't have a pond Al, but these are gorgeous!! Hope you find what you need!


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Oh my, I'm in LOVE!!!
Wish I had something to trade, but ponds are under a cover of ice here in Wisc.

A gardening friend, Maxine

(Zone 8a)

I have a pond but mainly have common plants like parrots feather, iris,a couple water lillies, elephant ears,hyacinth, frogbit... I do have some hawaiin woodrose seeds or baby hawaiin or some darker pink lotus seeds I got from a neighbor...I would love to have a couple tubers of yours! Let me know if you would like some seeds...I also have some seeds from my yellow iris!


Kingston, GA(Zone 7b)

Hello Al,
I have some Brandy Bottle if you would be interested in it for exchange on the Lotus. I can send you a pic of the Brandy Bottle(I just found out it's name this year and have had it for 3 years LOL). It looks similiar to waterlily with the same shaped pads but the flowers are yellow and alot different. LMK and Thanks, Monica

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Is your brandy bottle a spatterdock???

Kingston, GA(Zone 7b)

Not sure crested chik, I found a pic exactly like mine and the information that came with the pic in a pond flower book that was given to me. The pond book didn't mention anything about it being a spatterdock. It called it a nuphar lutea "Brandy Bottle".

Kingston, GA(Zone 7b)

Crestedchik--I just found this site and thought it would answer us both.
My Brandy Bottle plant looks just like the pic on this site except I have not seen my leaves wavy as these are in the pic.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Yup,thats spatterdock.I have tons of it growing in front of our house.The tuber on that gets HUGE!

Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

With this big new pond we built I wish I had some thing to trade for a Lotus! I will just have to keep wishing!!!!!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I have a tropical BLUE waterlily, 1 year old baby plants, if you would like to trade. CC, I love that yellow plant. Do you want to trade?

Kingston, GA(Zone 7b)

Hello ruby42,
Have you tried growing lotus seeds before? I am trying to raise some now. They aren't hard to do. But I did find after about 4 seeds of them that they don't like being messed with once they start sprouting. It takes them a long time to get big enough to bloom (or so I was told by someone that has done it)but it would be an inexpensive way to get some started for your pond.

Desert Hot Springs, CA(Zone 10b)

Yes they are ruby 42. Just knick the hard shell and drop them in a glass of water. They will sprout in a few days if it's warm enough. Then pot them up and watch them grow. In Asia they are often planted in "water bowls" of nearly any size and kept near a sunny window as a house plant. The leaves are beatiful even when they aren't blooming. There is a religious significance to Bhuddists in lotus, so you see them everywhere in Southeast Asia.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Calla,I can send you boxes of spatterdock,BUT,I am not walking in that water till its warmer out.The ice just came off last week ,BBUURRRRRR.But if I grab a pair of waders I can probably grab some next month.I have to keep them cleared out or we cant get the boat to the dock.

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