February 13, 2002 - Healthy Living

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I must say, this devotional today struck home...Maybe because the guy wrote about someone named Kim. ;)

Howie called to tell me he's lost another 3 pounds. That makes 37 pounds he's lost now. Wooo-hoooo, HowieMeister!! More below...

Today's Devotional:

James 1:12 -- http://bible.whitinger.net/showverse.php3?vid=30279

What a great feeling! Kim had gone to the party dreading all the comments of her friends. When they found out she was on a diet, she knew her friends would try everything they could to get her to eat the scrumptious food that would be available. It hadn't been as bad as she thought it would be, though. Her friends had tried to tempt her, but she resisted. It had been difficult, but now it felt great to know that she could be strong when she really needed to be. If she could resist the temptations of her friends, she could resist anything. For the first time since she started dieting, Kim begand to really believe she could do it.

Today's Thought: The Lord provides special strength for each new temptation.


This is one of the reasons why Howie and I chose November to start our diets together. We figured, if we could weather the holiday season and stand strong, we could make it in the easier times. It's such a good feeling when you walk away from a situation knowing you've made good choices.

There is so much in our lives over which we have NO control...Our jobs, our family, our economy, you name it. But we have total control over what we put in our bodies, and that is a very empowering thing. :)

And about those friends who try to tempt us. We call it sabotaging our diets, and it kinda makes us mad sometimes. Why is it that people do that? I understand some folks love others through food and enjoy making tasty things for others to enjoy. That I can deal with...It's the people who know you're serious about your diet and yet STILL try to get you to go to a fast food joint with them, and when you try to say no, won't let it go. Aaaaaargh!

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