What are you doing ?

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

I'm enjoying a nice, warm summer and I'm collecting seeds. I have a vegie patch and I had yesterday a nice, tasty and juicy calameņo rockmelon, the honeydew and the banana melon needs ripening.

The alstroemeria , yellow wonder, brownie beauty and golden sun seeds are drying ready for harvesting, my violet odorata, that made a whaft all over my garden in winter, is heavy with seed also the Iris pseudocarus, yellow flag is seeding well...asa the seeds are collected I'll post them here.

Hi Cristina' I'm sitting here after preparing a nice breakfast and sending dh off to work' My candles are twinkling,scenting the rooms and I'm relaxing today'
Our snow is melting,20's and foggy this morning,typical winter day here' Staying inside too' So looking forward to spring,can't hardly wait,lol,very difficult' Thank you for asking'''Sis'

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Thank you for the nice description, it is very "cosy". In winter here, we do not have snow so one always imagine how could that be....other than cold. The temperature goes to
-2°C to 14°C, but we do have a wet winter.

Summer here is not too hot, I'm used to aussie summers with temperatures around the 40°C., but the sun is real bad here, even with 25°C. you can feel it. The southern part of Chile is just under the "ozone hole" so the UV bombardment is something.....but if you take care, it is a good time in the year.

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