moore people on this site

Enkoping, Sweden

many,many moore people here PLEASE

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Roger, jag också önskar at vi skulle ha mera männer hit.

Kan vi skriva i svenska..? Jag kan inte prata/skriva den så bra som engelska, men--


Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Well you CAN write in Swedish Evert - but don't think many of the rest of us will understand. Shame, it looks a lovely language {;>) (<;}

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

I could not read what Evert say ~:- LOL, yes beautiful language and different. =)

Enkoping, Sweden

Hej Evert
visst kan vi skriva på svenska om du vill men vi skall kanske hålla det oss emellan det kanske är svårt för våra kompisar att förstå.Jag är intresserad av grönsaker så om du vill och kan så är jag intresserad av att byta frön.Now we go back to english.Evert says that he thinks we can correspond in swedish we dont live so far away from each other but we live in different countries but in this area people often speak swedish because onse it was a part of sweden and still we have a lot to do with each other.But its good to know that moore people speak the language from honour and the heroes.Ok just joking.

Hej då Evert vi hörs. Hi Evert we keep in touch

Din vän Roger Dahlstrom Your friend Roger Dahlstrom

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Roger, thank you so much for translating it as you went along. When I see some posts in foreign languages, I just ignore them, as I am woefully deficient, linguistically speaking. So nice of you to think of translating for us.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Hej roger! :) Jag är mera intressat att föda blommor or exotiska växter. Jag har också född en pumpa och några örter. =) Apropå språket, kan du tala finska?

Niin, eli voitko puhua suomea? Tässä yllä oleva viesti suomeksi, tosin täällä ei kukaan taida ymmärtää siitä yhtään mitään..

Hei Roger! :) Minä olen enemmän kiinnostunut kukista sekä eksoottisista kasveista. Olen myös kasvattanut kurpitsoita ja yrttejä. Kielistä puheen ollen, voitko puhua suomea?

I was just asking can you speak finnish? =)

Here in Finland we have to study swedish in school even if we wouldn't want to ;) Also everything is in Swedish here too.

I don't think that Finnish isn't very beautiful language.. Nor Swedish. Greek sounds interesting.

I think it is very good to me to wrtie swedish also sometimes, english is so easy when compared to it.


Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Thanks for the translation !
And yes, there are plenty people around but we need to communicate with each other.
What are you doing for your garden? starting seeds inside using lights?
I'm in the mid of summer and this year has been nice and warm, not many rainny days...

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Yeah, good for you ;) But soon it will be autumn there again, heeh ;) Then we can enjoy the warm summer.

Not the best time to start seeds right now but next weeks are the first ones I think.. usually I starts most of the plants on March-April.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Evert, i like the look of the Greek language too, but it's very difficult having to learn a whole new alphabet!:( and i trip over my own tongue trying to speak it LOL.i think the recipes you sent for the DG cookbook are Greek?

what i'd give for some of your weather at the moment cristina. it's grey cold and wet here brghhh. What's your winter like when it comes?....... or doesn't it?

Enkoping, Sweden

I must say that swedish must be the most beautyful language of all 8 million people cant be wrong and those who hear our language think that we sing just listen to the swedish chef in the muppet show.Ones I where in finland for looking at a garlic show they grow a lot of garlic around Helsinki the capitol of finland.As our friend Evert said its the right time to start indoors with our sawing in about two weeks I will start up with my peppers and some toms it will also be the right time for some herbs.I start up in a very small room with 2 500 watts sunlamps that gives an extremely lightning effect and some warm.The area I have for seedlings is only 5 square meters and I have about 2ooo plants there most of them peppers the toms that I start with is those I have very little of and those I plant in my warm growinghouse I also use those for taking cuttings off.Then in the middle of mars or beginnig of april I start with the rest of the tomatoes last year we had 300 kinds of toms but this year we have to have less so we are talking about 50 kinds for our own growing then we sell plants also.
Then when we comes into beginning of june we start outdoors to plant out cale,corn,herbs and everything and we have a roul that we shall have everything out to midsummer about 24 of june.Last year I broke this roul and planted out parsley in the beginning of august and got the best parsley I ever had an italien flatleaved kind with 40 cm stalkes and giant leaves and it even tasted good frosen I also make a good parsley in vineger.So you can see Cristina that your seeds will soon be growing

Roger Dahlstrom

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Thank you Roger, this interchange of day to day living and the description of different weather conditios is educational and good to imagine different situations!
I have some of your chillies in the ground as well and I have bagged 3 differents plants to maintain purity of seeds.
The others I will start them later to avoid crossing.

philomel, oh my dear, I have seen the cable news and the weather has been a bit too heavy for my likings all around where you live, I wish it'll change soon for you, in the meantime cuddle up with a good book and a nice cup of tea...
I do live in the 38.45° south, in the area called the gateway to southern Chile, but over here, winter are cold and rainy, it doesn't snow. The lower temperature reading is
-2°C (and that's for a couple of days only). It usually fluctuates from 3 to 15°C , so it is not too bad.
About rain , it can be steady for 6 - 8 days then some sunny breaks and we start the cycle all over again......

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Swedish most beautiful???? ehhh....... LOL


This message was edited Wednesday, Jul 17th 10:12 AM

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Roger, what do you mean "more people here?" Did you mean more different nationalities, more posting, or just greater numbers of members? We just passed 7000 members, but not all subscribe. Still, there are more posting than I can keep up with, so I was wondering if I misunderstood your post. Maybe you can send DG some more Swedish members!

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Maybe he meant the International Trading ;) Ehhmm... I'm not sure.

Roger, jag fick några 'Härjän Silmä' tomat fröer av min moster. Har du hört om de här sorten?

Enkoping, Sweden

I meant moore people on international trading because its nice to trade seeds with different parts of the world.

Roger Dahlstrom

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh. Well, with the rate of increase, it should be soon. Dave built it, they will come!


I agree this forum should be used more, there are quite a few of us now from other countries and its great to see what other people are doing.

I loved the chef on the muppet show LOL, when we were being selected for our different classes for senior school we had to do a Swedish test to see if we had an aptitude for other languages. It seemed quite easy to learn although that was my only experience of Swedish. One of my dream holidays is touring Scandanavia, I always imagine your part of the world to be clean and fresh.

More seed sowing tomorrow, hopefully I will get some varieties of tomatoes sown ready for summer.

Enkoping, Sweden

Baa you see Swedish is a good language,what kinds of toms are you sowing and when do you planning to put them out.Dreams are best when you do them in reallity then you can start to dream of anything else do everything you dream of remember to visit me when you coming this way.

Your friend Roger Dahlstrom

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Baa, if you ever come to Sacndinavia, you're wellcome to us =) Finland and Norway are pretty expensive countries (or about the same than in UK). Sweden is much cheaper, and Danmark.

I have been thinking, that because my mum has her 50th birthday on June, we wanted to take her to a trip... I thought if we would go by a car to Eastern Europe, by Via Baltica etc... or To Austria (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria :) Hehe.

Thank you, I'd love to visit you both! I find if you are determined enough to do something you will, one of the things I really want to do is swim in the geothermic pools. Gosh Evert how long will the holiday for your Mom be? :) Sounds like a wonderful idea for her birthday!

The toms I will sow this afternoon are; black russian, reisentraube, big rainbow, lilac giant, hungarian giant (last two from Hungary) and a couple of others whose names I don't know. The sweet pepper will have to wait until March incase we get too much frost this month. I don't like fresh tomatoes but I know many people who do, I just like to grow them. I give away the fruit.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

hah =)

We also thought with my dad that we could go cycling to Åland Islands.

Baa, do you have a list of your wanted seeds? I have so many and can't grow all them... I could share some.

Just let me know :)

Although I don't have many veggie seeds..

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