Italian Heirlooms

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

I'm in possession of quite a few seed packets from Franchi, the oldest seed house in Italy. These are all fresh (2000) seed, all open-pollinated, most of them Italian heirlooms.

Included are: Geraniums, turnips, cauliflower, rosemary, red onion, pumpkin, cucumber, celery, and two leaf lettuces.

All seed is commercially packed in double envelopes. I have 4-5 packs of each variety.

Anybody who wants some can have it for an SASE. Or, if you have something interesting to trade for (heirloom veggies only), let me know what you have.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Brook, I'd like to trade for your Italian heirloom Geraniums, turnips, cauliflower, rosemary, and red onion for SASE or trade. See my list at DG. Thanks, and Happy New Year!

Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

Could I have some of the Rosemary seed for an SASE?
If so, please email me. Thanks.

Ogunquit, ME(Zone 5a)

I'd like to trade or SASE for your geranium, cauliflower, cucumber, and turnip. For heirlooms I have Brandywine and Yellow Perfection tomatoes.

Hello, I would love to have some Rosemary for an SASE. Just let me know. Thanks!

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

Just a follow up for all those wanting Franchi seeds.

The seed packets measure almost 5 x 7, so will require a large enough envelope---a 6 x 9 will do.

For postage purposes, figure on one ounce for up to two packets; two ounces for three or four, and three ounces for five or six. If asking for just one packet, don't forget there is a surcharge on oversized envelopes.

I will fill the orders as they come in, on a first-come first serve basis. Send SASEs to Brook Elliott, Box 519, Richmond, KY 40476

For those offering trades, if you don't hear from me directly, assume I'm not interested in what you are offering, and send an SASE instead. That will usually be the case, because I have my garden plan pretty well done for next year, and it will take something special to get my attention.



Campbellsville, KY(Zone 6a)


Please put me on the list for the rosemary, pumpkin, cukes, and celery. e-mail me your mailing address and I will send you a SASE and will tell you what kinds of goodies I can send you in return.



Selah, WA(Zone 6a)

Hi Brook,

Will get a SASE in the mail for your rosemary and the two leaf lettuces.

Thanks for sharing

sase is a problem for me - living in belgium; so if wecould find some other nice way to get me those leaf lettuces, i'd be very grateful.
thanks for sharing these and so many other varieties .

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi, Lieven,

Good to see you here. This is a pretty good site.

The lettuces will go out tomorrow. Wish I'd known about your lettuce wish earlier; I'd have sent them with the Serendipity seeds.

Happy New Year to you and yours.


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