Heat Mats

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I saw where someone had asked about heat mats with a dial thermostat. I use 3 of these in my green house. The mats are set at 68*F most of the time, but when I'm rooting brugmansias and germinating seed, I usually set them to 72*F. I keep the gas heat set @ 45*F night temp in the green house. I moved my orchids to the heat mat, because the air temp was too low. I chose 45 because that's the minimum temp that my passion vines can take in the winter. I keep some of my tropical gingers on the heat mats too. Some I set between the rows of mats, since the air temp there is a little warmer than in the rest of the green house. This works great for me and really saves on the gas bill. The mats are 18" wide and 25' long and cost around $20 per month each in electricity.
I have started lilies on them, but tried this year with the lily seed in the fern house and they are germinating about the same there. The night temp in the fern house is 50*F.

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