what local trees are for bonsai

ehrikon, Switzerland(Zone 6b)

can someone inform me, what local US-trees are usefull for bonsai?


Richfield Springs, NY(Zone 4a)

I've used beech, larch, black gum, hawthorne (thorn apple), birch,maple,ginko,oak(but the leaves do not reduce in size at all, thus looking out of scale). From the nurseries, I've used junipers, cypress, wisteria, ficus,texas ebony,lilac. There's probably more, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.

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Palmyra, VA(Zone 7a)

Nice list Frank! Can you reduce black gum leaves?

Also Potentilla, fuschia, pomegranate, American hornbeam, and crabapple.

ehrikon, Switzerland(Zone 6b)

interesting list. may some others has experiences with more others kinds of trees?


Richfield Springs, NY(Zone 4a)

Yes, the black gum leaves did reduce in size. Unfortunately, the tree could not take the winter where I live now. I think if I get my hands on a few more, I can keep them through the winter in a protected area. They are a relatively tough tree, but the winter winds here desicated it.

Bert, for me, its any that i can get my hands on, i will try them all.


Question? What are y'all talking about when you say "reduce the leaves"? Do they reduce naturally when you root prune, or do you do something else to reduce them? I'm really ignorant to bonsai although I think it is a beautiful art form. Good sense tells me to leave it alone, but the right side of my brain is teeming with "notions"!

ehrikon, Switzerland(Zone 6b)

some kind of trees you can cut all leaves (mai/June) and they grow new ones. smaler.


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