Estoy en busca de ...

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Salud -

Aunque es mi custumbre de escribir en engles, mi hija esta estudiando espanol, y me gustan conocer y practicar de nuevo esta lengua musical. Hace muchos anos que escribo/hablo espanol, pues no hay mucha gramatica o vocabulario que se queda en mi cabeza. Pues, me gusta escribir en email o del correo tradicional con algien de Espana o de un pais latinoamericana.



Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

(This is a very bad translation by babelfish)

Karla, pienso aquí soy nadie de América latina, o quizá alguien de Chile. Puede usted encontrar cualquier persona de algunos sitios penpal?

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Karla, como estas ? espero que muy bien .
Te enviare un eMail con mi correo y si quieres podemos hablar en Español, ademas tu hija tambien me podria escribir y asi practicas.
Un beso

Evert, that was a good try !. You won't die hungry if you travel to spanish speaking countries.
There are few people from South America and few, not many from Spain.

Shangshui, Henan, China(Zone 7b)

I cannot make myself understood at all in Spanish.):
Evert:teenagers like you have good memories .
do hope you will become a world man---
try as possible as you can to master some
foreign will benefit from them
all your life.btw,if you want to learn Chinese,
i feel that i am the best tutor for thing needs
to tell you ahead of time,the Chinese language is hard to learn.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Jianhua, I would love to learn Chinese, I just think it is too hard. I am studying 2 languages now in school and will have 2 more next year! Gosh.. Did you know that Finnish is the 2nd hardest language in world and Chinese is the most hardest to learn? ;)

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

I didn't know that Evert, but I do beleive it.
With chinese the mandarin writing will be difficult to learn, and that is a must because many of the other dialects still uses the mandarin characters, isn't it Jianhua?


Shangshui, Henan, China(Zone 7b)

Evert and Cristina:
Yeah,Chinese is one of the most difficult languages to is said that a chinese who learns a foreign language well, such as English,French and Russian, will take
about 4 years,while a foreigner who learns chinese will take at least 5--7 years to master know chinese words are characters,though we have Roman forms(mainly used
to help learn chinese pronunciation).but where there is a will there is a way.even a chinese kid can speak it,i think, you should be able to too,if you put your hearts into it.btw, there are over 13 billion people in China are Mandarin-speakers.

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